Snowman Nativity Scene

I have been working on what I plan on sending out as my annual Christmas card. I plan on adding a few trees around the edges and perhaps a couple more angels in the back.

I like it.
But dont forget the star

Added a few trees and a couple of squirrels. Any suggestions?

This is very cute, I like it! If I were to make a suggestion, I would say the background of the scene is a little unclear. Is that a hill that the angel snowmen are coming over, or does the ground just end there? I see that there is a tree at the top of the picture that goes behind the snow, so I assume it is an elevation change. It just looks somewhat strange due to the perspective of everything else in the shot. Other than that, everything looks wonderful!

Good point about the background James. I hope this works a bit better.

Who’s foot prints are those? :wink: Try a different sky background, use an image or even use the sun lamp sky settings. A little color change would help indicate the horizon.

Happy Blending:P

Hi, I would add AO and make the shadows a bit less sharp, also I would put a little more work into the cloth on the snowman’s head. Also the tree’s detail doesn’t match the rest of the scene, but other then that looking good!