So I just found out I have cancer...

I know that ginger is good for a sick stomach (gingerale, raw ginger, whatever) but I’m not really sure if that counts in the case of toxic-chemical induced nausea.

I remember the nurse telling me ginger was good for nausea. Thanks BlackBoe, I’m making some ginger tea right now.

flat coke is too. they use it nursing homes on old people because they know it wont mess with their meds.

For nausea?

I never knew that ginger is good for nausea. Interesting. My favorite use for ginger is in teriyaki sauce. Best flavor ever.

About 3 to 4 years ago two friends of mine were diagnosed with lymphoma. One hodgkins and one non-hodgkins. I’m pleased to say both of them pulled through fine and are both going on about 2 to 3 years cancer free. One of their dads got the same cancer my friend had shortly later, and he also got better and is about a year cancer free now. (Generally, by the way, Hodgkins is not considered to be a hereditary condition).

The chemo is not going to be fun. I have never heard a single good thing about the chemo except that it works. It sounds thoroughly unpleasant and you’re probably going to be a skinhead for a while.

One thing my friend found very comforting was that there is also no link between having a positive attitude and getting better or vice versa. He sometimes got into a pretty negative attitude, and he didn’t like to think that that was going to count against his recovery! Fortunately, it doesn’t. A positive attitude is good to have for its own sake, but don’t worry if you have some rough patches, attitude-wise.

Most likely this will all be an unpleasant but fading memory for you in a few years time. Hang in there and get well soon.

Thanks for the tips, guys. I found that eating in itself makes the nausea better, but I’m still throwing up so the meds obviously don’t work. Right now I’ve got an extreme burning sensation in my mouth, as if I was constantly recovering from just eating the spiciest food in the universe. My tongue feels bruised as well. In short, drinking water or eating a banana feels like i’m downing chili sauce with a factor of a million, and combined with my nausea is making eating a really shitty experience for me.

I’ll see what develops and post back here soon.


Yeesh. That sucks.

Oh, one tip I picked up from my friend. Avoid foods you really like. Because you won’t really like them for a long time after this.

My aunt has cancer, very advanced, and has gone the macrobiotic route, with lots of chnese herbs and soups and blanched vegies and leaf vegetables. Maybe those would stay down and soothe your throat. Prayers to you, Fadie. And take pleasure in the simple moments, however fleeting.

@bugman: yeah already picked that up. Anyway right now all the foods I used to like now make me wanna throw up just looking at them or smelling them, or even thinking about them. Weird huh

@RW: that sucks man… I actually found this book with all these amazing home remedies for the most detailed stuff. When it comes to nausea, ginger was on top. It even suggested acupressure, which I’m still skeptical about. Apparently you should press two thumb lengths above the crease on your wrist, between the two tendons to ease nausea. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.

Anyhoo, today nausea’s better, I actually had lunch. Yesterday I got pissed off and made my doc prescribe me some stronger anti-neausea meds. I got something called Zofran and it works great, except it’s like 100$ CAD for 6 pills. I’m supposed to take 2 to 3 a day so I hope my insurance covers it all.

What do you guys think? Serious rip-off or worth it?

As long as you feel better and you have good insurance, it should be worth it. Hopefully you won’t need them for long. I suppose that good old Advil can’t soothe this kind of pain?


I will continue to include you in my prayers, FadieZ.
God is good on His promises.
May the peace of Christ be with you.

FadieZ, courage and kick that lymphoma’s ass.
Get better.

Nope, Advil’s off-limits for now 'cause if I’m in pain I need to feel it so I can know there’s something wrong with me, especially if it’s a fever.

MAD, thanks, that gave me quite a good laugh…

I took zofran for a little while; it worked absolutely wonderfully for me. My nausea was gone, with no side effects at all! $30 US per pill. My insurance covered it, but fortunately I only needed it for a couple days.

Best of luck to you and keep a positive attitude. You can beat this!

I am not sure if there is a home remedy, I think it is more a case of just let it take it’s course. When I came to Japan, my wifes family had one medical case after another, her mother had cerebral hemorrhage, and two other being family with cancer. The chemo unfortunately had to be endured the doctors said, though they gave as much medicine to settle the nausea as possible, it just didn’t work well.

I must say, looking at your photos, you are younger than I thought from your posts, and all I can say is you are in my thoughts. I have seen what a terrible sickness cancer can be and have had to deal with the fears, and sorrows as well.

Take each day as it comes. You are in my prayers. Take care buddy!

btw, You’re really good at GTI. And for what its worth, I’ve heard that pot is great for nausea, and legal (?) for medicinal use in Candada…