[SoC Modifier] 06/08/10 windows, macosx, linux

Hello, the third SoC is about modifier.
I can’t say what’s new in modifier stack, but only thing I can says : there is 2 new modifier, autosmooth and displacement.
Autosmooth show on view3D the smooth by is angle
Displacement, show the disp on view3D.

What’s new since the 6 august:

  • Added a “Set smooth” option to the Autosmooth modifier. It currently doesn’t
    work in editmode because the editmode draw code gets the smooth flag from
    the original editmesh (not sure why yet).
  • Added a “Set Sharp” option to the Edge Specials menu (Ctrl-E) and updated the
    Autosmooth modifier to split sharp edges.
  • Fixed Array modifier to correctly take vertex coordinates into account.
  • Changed drawMappedFaces and setDrawOptions functions to take face smooth flags
    from the current DerivedMesh rather than the original mesh. CCGDerivedMesh
    currently assumes all faces are smooth, this needs to be fixed.
  • Added support for vertex groups to the Displace modifier.
    Fixed the Curve, Lattice and Hook modifiers to correctly autocomplete vertex
    group names.

Downloads :

This displacement modifier is rather neat. Probably will use materials for displacements a lot more now.



Autosmooth works nicely, as does the displacement. Havent noticed any problems, all runs smoothly here.


There is macosx build


Mirror : Modifier SoC for MacOSX

Hi, I just added a “Set smooth” option to the Autosmooth modifier, and made a linux build: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~bbatt/blender-artificer-20060808.tgz
Lguillaume, would you be so kind as to mirror it?

The Displace modifier is pretty cool when you use multiple alternating Subsurf and Displace modifiers. I made a few examples
(blend at http://members.optusnet.com.au/~bbatt/displacetest04.blend):


Done : mirror

downloads for windows

What’s new since the 6 august:

  • Added a “Set smooth” option to the Autosmooth modifier. It currently doesn’t
    work in editmode because the editmode draw code gets the smooth flag from
    the original editmesh (not sure why yet).
  • Added a “Set Sharp” option to the Edge Specials menu (Ctrl-E) and updated the
    Autosmooth modifier to split sharp edges.
  • Fixed Array modifier to correctly take vertex coordinates into account.
  • Changed drawMappedFaces and setDrawOptions functions to take face smooth flags
    from the current DerivedMesh rather than the original mesh. CCGDerivedMesh
    currently assumes all faces are smooth, this needs to be fixed.
  • Added support for vertex groups to the Displace modifier.
    Fixed the Curve, Lattice and Hook modifiers to correctly autocomplete vertex
    group names.

Hi, there’s a new build for linux at http://www.graphicall.org/builds/builds/showbuild.php?action=show&id=185


And for windows

thats great work, cool to see how things will change when you combine different displacement maps together and that in realtime.

Forgive the ignorant question: will the smooth modifier facilitate setting smoothing groups - setting smooth only on a specific selected portion of a mesh per modifier, for example?

The Autosmooth modifier does the same thing as the Auto Smooth button in Blender: it makes edges appear sharp depending on the angle between their faces. You can also set particular edges to be sharp from the Edge Specials (Ctrl E) menu and they will appear sharp irrespective of the angle between their faces.

The name is perhaps a bit misleading (I named it Autosmooth because that’s the name of the same functionality in Blender). The modifier actually works by splitting edges based on their sharpness, so Autosplit might be a better name.

in field of architecture i used a lot greyscale-images of topograhy to model landscapes, it’s so easy (…in Maya)!

now i can do it in blender…many thanx!

does combining the array modifier with a curve modifier already work? this will be very helpful for a lot of things and i am looking forward to it!

i tried it with the test build and it doesn’t seem to work yet but maybe i did something wrong? <edit> ah! i had to rotate my object 90° then it worked. nice! </edit>

Yes, the Curve modifier determines the axis to place along the curve from the object’s track axis (Object buttons, Anim settings, TrackX etc.). If you don’t want to rotate your object, you can try changing that setting.

thanks, i will experiment with the track settings…

what would be nice is if the array modifier somehow could automatically detect how many duplications it takes to fill a curve.

the autosmooth modifier is great too!

Yeah?, why don’t you try the “Fit to curve” option :stuck_out_tongue:

oops, i overlooked that one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, does anybody knows if it’s available to use MapInput setting or UVmap setting? I wanted to place image over all plane.
I tried to use image texture for displacement plane (1face) and modifier hear just on texture setting as Clip or Repeat. Do you know more about that? Thank you
