I created an icosphere over a plane. I said “Enable Soft Body” to the icosphere. I changed the “Grav” to 9.800 and unchecked Use Goal. Clicked Bake Settings, and clicked BAKE. The icosphere was supposed to deform onto the plane, but went through. What should I do?
Never mind. I looked at another thread. Said that the target mesh which is the plane has to have deflection enabled.
It works.
About cloth simulation, where in the web can I go to find a straightforward tutorial about cloth simulation?
Do you guys know how to do the jello effect?
Here’s a good video tutorial on making soft body cloth:
Now does anybody know of one for creating Jell-O like objects? Everything I’ve tried results in a crumpled mess of polys on impact
To make something look like jello you’d need to give it an internal lattice, otherwise the physics simulation treats your mesh like it’s hollow rubber.
Try using the array modifier a few times on a cube, then select all and remove doubles.