Softbody explosion

I saw a vid once that one of the guys on here produced and it had a cube and a car that exploded from the inside, then the object shattered (using softbody) then landed on the ground in pieces.

I’m curious, how can you do this?


Surely someone knows?
I saw the vid on this forum!

Please. I’m desperate. :wink:

Hi Redbyte! Believe this is the new softbody function being developed for future Blender. In experiment builds Blender CVS.

Not yet in Blender most of us use…

Theres a link with the .blend file here, if you open the blend, it should give you an idea as to how it was done, also as stated, you need a copy of cvs blender with softbodies enabled.

Hope it helps.


Ahhh I see. So this feature is not embedded in the stable version yet. Ok.

So this new feature allows for a breakable mesh? Sounds awesome.
Will it be in 2.40 does anyone know?