Lately, i’ve been trying to make an anime character to 3d print and everything goes just fine, but there’s one big problem which really annoys me: I can’t get hair done.
You see, I’m going to 3d print it, so it has to be solid. I tried some tutorials, but none of them are updated enough to help me with this problem.
imo, there are other issues you should address on with the existing part. The nose does not look right. also the ridges down the middle of the forehead along the seam. also the chin area has a bit of a ‘waddle’ effect because it is bulging behind the chin.
(edit) take the time to make it right, because once it’s printed, you can’t really go back and change it.
I think you’ll also need a closed manifold mesh for 3D printing. (From what I understand that’s the way it is at most places, unless you’re willing to pay them extra to fix it for you.) Maybe you know that already, but your example as it is isn’t ready to go yet.
For the hair, you might want to try curve objects with a custom profile shape. Doing that makes it easier to produce flowing/draping shapes and keep them smooth and consistent. Once you get it to where you like it, you can then convert it to a mesh and edit it from there for actual 3D printing.
Thanks for all your advices, I’ll definatly take another look at the model!
Also, I’ve got my own 3d printer, so I don’t have to pay extra for someone to make it closed, I’m not done indeed with the mouth and ears and neck. So 3d printing it now would be kind of a failure XD
this part:
(edit) sorry but this site is being really sluggish on my browser lately and I can’t get my image to upload…i’ll try to post an image again in a bit…