Solid objects becoming transparent during Cycles render

I’m having an issue where some obejcts in my scene are becoming transparent during the render, but only when using my GPU. I have tried rendering with my CPU and have no issues with this happeneing.

I’ve had it happen in multiple renders with multiple models so it doesn’t seem to be the model as the problem.

You can see the circled meshes have become transparent during the render.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be? All of my GPU drivers are up to date.
I’ve tried in both Blender 4.0 and 4.1

what gpu do you have?

is it every time you render this frame, or is it random?

Can you provide a CPU render to compare against ?

4070ti and seems to be every time

Here’s a CPU render

Is it a problem that occurs when motion blur is activated :thinking:

Possibly, but still not sure why it would be causing it to happen with the GPU and not CPU?

There are cases where problems occur when the motion blender is activated.

GPU-related issues may be caused by graphics drivers, in which case I recommend reinstalling them (reinstallation is not the perfect solution)

The GPU and CPU cycles modes have slightly different codebases.

A GPU and a CPU have entirely different architecture, and they can have entirely different bugs for that reason.

Thanks, ill try that and see how it goes.

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Tried a reinstall with no luck. Turning off motion blur removes the issue so definitely seems to be something to do with that but no idea what it could be?

Check out the contents of the link.
Switch to CUDA will solve it.
And I think it’s a problem with graphic drivers. :thinking:

For more cases, search for them on that link.
The site is where you record blender errors or bugs.

ah excellent thank you that seems to be it! each frame is aorund 30 seconds longer with CUDA but seems to be the only way to do it currently so that’ll be it for the time being. Thank you!

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