Solomon's Temple and Jerusalem circa 1010 BCE

This is Solomon’s Temple and Jerusalem circa 1010 BCE.

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WOW!! that awesome!

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Thank you.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Fantastic work! Many beautiful details :heart_eyes:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Not relevant to the artwork itself but were there more houses outside the gates/walls?


Indeed - also the walled area is far too small. Jerusalem at this point was a metropolis, one of the largest cities in the area. Still, cool artwork :slight_smile:


Maybe you guys are thinking of 1010 CE (or AD)? This is around King David’s and Solomon’s time, around 1000 BCE (aka BC). Historians don’t know for sure but as far as we’re aware Jerusalem was only about 40-50 acres at the time of these kings.

1000 people. That one big temple and walls. That’s why I was wondering how it all got made.

According to the Bible, Solomon had hired people from Tyre tot he north, who had experience in this kind of work, and in shifts he hired and had conscripted workers numbering into the 100,000’s or more. (1 Kings 5:13-15)

This is amazing! Great job!