Solution - Substance Painter to Blender normal map issue

I am making this for all the people who are having the same issue that I was. for some reason whenever I would export my normal map in substance to blender it would come out really funky and highlight the edges of the polygons making them sharp:

Here’s what it looks like in substance painter:

Here’s what comes out in blender:

What I had to do was create a new preset substance painter too instead export to OpenGL instead of DirectX.



After doing so here’s the result you will get:

I’m thankful to the person who created this tutorial on YouTube that solved my issue

Here is his video for more information and also to appreciate:
How to set up Substance Painter exports for Blender Cycles

I am extremely grateful Jason Station!!!

This information is mentioned on the official tutorials.

Alternatively, you can add an RGB Curves node after your Image Texture node in Blender, select G(reen) and change the straight line to go from the upper left corner to lower right (i.e, invert the green) then plug it in the Normal Map node :smile_cat:

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