I’ve tried “bake action” with several different scenarios picked out and the create deform armature from rig addon, without success.
I have a control rig (“control_armature”) that controls the control vertices on a spline. The spline in turn controls a tentacle on the rig (“octo_deform_armature”) that will deform the mesh in the game engine i am primarily working with (ogre3d).
What I am trying to do is get the transforms in the bones from the control_armature to bake into the transforms (rotation, location, and scale) of the octo_deform_armature, so that the bones’ scales, rotations, and locations in octo_deform_armature change over time. Right now, all the values in the deform bones remain the same even though the bones’ rotations, scales, and locations are changing in the viewport.
thanks for your help!
the blend is attached below.
octodriversarmatureonly33.blend (148 KB)