Solved! Blender 3.6.5 LTS panel not showing properly

I am doing a tutorial where I need to use an earlier version of Blender to be able to follow along in the tutorial course called “The Art of Effective Rigging.” This is so I can see the Bone Layers Manager.

However, when I hit the keys “Shift-W” it doesn’t bring up the entire panel at the bottom left of the screen, where I can click “Enable.” As shown in the screenshot I only see the little down arrow and the letter “C.”

I have restarted Blender but it doesn’t help. Is there a fix for this?

Here is what it is supposed to look like. (A screenshot from the tutorial screen.

Here is what I get.

I’ve noticed similar UI issues when loading a file saved in blender 4.x into blender 3.x.

to avoid this use the open file dialog enable the options and de-select load ui.


Hi Nezumi,
I did what you suggested. The file came up but nothing seemed to work right. Even basic navigation was not working other than to rotate. Holding the “Shift” key and using the middle mouse button would not pan the screen. And in edit mode with the bones, the “Shift-W” did nothing.

So I started a new “General” file, appended the armature and the object from the original file…and it all worked well! So thank you. I had never seen that panel to the right when opening a file in Blender so I learned something. It didn’t "solve this per se, but it did remedy the problem I had.

I saved the file under a different name closed Blender 3.6.5 and re-opened the file, this time without de-selecting Load UI…and it still worked perfectly.

Thank you.