[SOLVED] Create a mesh/outline around a line

Hey there,
is there a way to create a mesh/plane/outline around the highlighted line, so that it follows the edge of the grey area on the sketch?

I think I saw someone doing something similar some time ago (on youtube), but I don’t know how. Maybe he used some plugins, or I have an incorrect memory.

I tried the “skin”-modifier, but the result was not what I need (not scaleable and at the crossroads it was thinner than on the other parts). Currently the line is a normal mesh (vertecies that are connected, not a path). But I can make it a path if that is required.

Have you tried converting it into a curve (or just recreate it as a curve) and then use the extrude setting in the curve settings?

You might have to change the tilt setting to get it flat.


Funny thing… some hours ago i discovered this:

…works in 3.6.15 when using only StreetGenFromEdges.py (no zip needed)

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Thank you both a lot. Both variants look very helpful. I will stick with the script for this one, but the curve variant may help me at another topic. Since I only used blender for character modelling in the past I was not familiar with curves/paths and what they can do :slight_smile: