[SOLVED]Normal issue somes faces are more dark than another in rendering mode

Hello peoples. I’ve got a problem with my character, and I don’t know what is the cause.
The problem :

So, when I add a normal maps to my character, some faces become like this and didn’t know why. No problem with normal, vector already reset. It appears only when I had a normal maps. Here are the normal maps :

and the texture, image :

Normals : already does and all is good. I suppose.
Direction face : all is good, red inside, blue outside.
Face direction : The line going outside.
(The problem appear only when i have a normal maps).

Is your normal map set to non-color?

Yes ! Sorry I forget to precise. Yes.

Can you link the file with the textures?

HeadModel.rar (2.5 MB)
Hello, sorry for the time to respond, here my head model. 'For size, i only send the head".

Well the object itself might not be the best to subdivide further (all tris )… but because of the horror-like look this might be okay… but then:

Where do you have made this normal maps from… there is no high poly mesh for the normals in the blend file; only the normalmap using result… ?? :question:

So using only one (or zero?) subd and no color to see the bump:

…so at the “checks” there might be some problems…

Hello, sorry, I am new in blender, so I don’t understand all. The normal maps come from my texture bonnieTexture.
I don’t understand what you mean : there is no high poly mesh for the normals in the blend file; only the normalmap using result… ??
and : So using only one (or zero?) subd and no color to see the bump.

In your explanation:

…so you wonder about this normal map… Where did this com from… when this is the provided normal map from this (from somwehere downloaded) model… then i do not understand your question…

Oh… or… you might try Object Space an not such bigStrength ( do not bother about the visible pattern patttern…)

There seems to be a problem with UV.

It was all the mess you added to mix the 2 normal maps, that was causing your issue… Delete all that or mute it and just use a Mix Color Node to Mix the Normal Maps…Far better results…

The UV mapping is a total MESS…
For something this simple it would be far better to Unwrap the mesh properly and then just add in the colors from the image texture in Texture Paint it would save a lot of headaches…

Hello all, the problem is solved, its was the UV, I check some videos, and remake the UV, i didn’t have problems now. UV was terrible.

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