Solved Where's the MAP? (Totally confused)

I was handed a Blend file (sorry I can’t share it, I don’t have permission to do so (yet anyway)), and a SMD file. On inspection of both in both Blender 2.81 and 2.79b (just to confirm) I found that the model had 3 materials and all three had shader nodes that paint the model. HOWEVER, when I look at the UV Editor, I don’t see a UV Map for any of them.

How is this model textured in Blender?? The mesh in the map is not hidden, I have keep in sync with edit mode enabled, I have selected the mesh in the horn (face select mode) and I only see one UV Map in the project.

I should be seeing something in the editor, the model is textured correctly according to the texture assigned in the shader node.

Exporting UV Layout (with all mesh selected and the All UV maps option enabled) does not produce anything usable, it’s just a blank png.

Suggestions??? There has to be a map here somewhere, how do I get the unwrapped mesh to show up in the editor? What am I missing here?


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Press A to select all of the edges, and the UVs should appear, as it only shows the UVs if you have them selected.

Also make sure you’re in the UV editor and NOT the image editor, as those are different things now in Blender 2.8!

Hope that helps!

Thanks Justin, that is not the problem. I am in the UV editor, I have Keep in Sync with edit mode enabled, (that alone should show the entire mesh of the object that is in edit mode) and I have faces selected, which should be showing in the UV Editor as selected). Selecting all mesh, I still have the problem, no maps in the editor.

This is not a 2.8x bug, as the model does exactly the same in 2.79b, no map displayed in the UV/Image Editor.

There has to be a UVMap hiding here somewhere or the model would not be painted. I just can’t find it. I’m missing something that I haven’t come across before.

Well, that does sound pretty strange then! Do you mind DMing me the blend file so I can take a quick look too? It sounds like you’re pretty familiar with the UI, so I doubt I’ll find anything, but I’d love to take a look just in case!

Wish I could Justin, but as I stated earlier, I don’t have permission to share from the person that handed me the file.
I can do what I need to do with the model, it’s just got me mystified as to what is going on here.
The only time I came across something like this was when there was more than one UV Map and there was mesh hiding in the second UV Map that I had to bring over to the main map.
But on this model, I only see 1 UV Map.

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Ah sorry, I missed that. Well same here unfortunately. I definitely wish you the best of luck, and hopefully someone else here will recognize it or you’ll find it by accident!

Are the UVs offset from the image so that they don’t appear in the window? Press Numpad . key with cursor over UV editor and UVs selected.

Exporting a UV layout when the UVs are not over the image area does result in a blank png.

You maybe can separate a face and upload that?
But i would bet @anon12677551 is right…

Or maybe, try unhide (alt h) in the UV editor.

You can check UV existance with a simple script. Enter object mode, select your object, fire up the console and write:

mesh =

You get st. like:


it’s showing your default cube with a default UVMap object. This will tell you if you have UVMaps in your blender database file without error.

DOH!!! I feel like an idiot now. I didn’t back off the texture far enough…

Yup, it’s offset (by about a mile.)

Thanks for the help everyone… I should have seen this.