Solved! Why doesn't this non-deform bone show the pink color on the object mesh?

I have a control bone selected, a shoulder bone and in Pose Mode you can see it is not a deform bone.

However, when this bone is selected in Weight Paint Mode, my dog model does not turn pink.

Here is another non-deform bone selected, in Weight Paint Mode, and the model does turn pink.

Why doesn’t the shoulder bone turn the model pink also?

Hi, in your last image you cropped the image so we are enable to see if it’s selected as deform or the object name?
Also i am using version 4.1 and a never seen pink in weight painting?
Pink usually indicates missing textures.

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See if you have a vertex group with that bone’s name.

It could be that the deform box was enabled earlier (it does default to being enabled). If you did automatic weights, or empty groups parenting while the deform option was enabled, then it will have created a vertex group for it.


A bone without deform capabilities will show the object as pink in Weight Paint mode, indicating it does not influence any bones.

Magpie, how do I check, or remove a bones vertex group if it has one? It is possible it might have had Deform on earlier. I do know that when I did my final “Parent with Automatic Weights” I made sure that only the Deform bones had “Deform” turned on. All other bones I selected and after turning off "Deform I performed a “copy to selected” action for all the selected bones.

Thank you all for your replies. Very grateful.

You can see all the vertex groups in the ‘Data’ tab for the mesh object:

If you expand the little triangle at the bottom of the list, you can search for groups by name. Putting in the bone name will filter the list so you can find it.

It should be pretty safe to just delete the vertex group (with the - button).


Hi Will,
The problem here is that the “object” is a “bone,” and those don’t show up in the Data tab for objects.

I guess it is not a big deal as the bone has 0 (zero) weight on it. I don’t want to re-parent with automatic weights as I have already put extensive time into weight painting the model.

Thanks for your help!

The way that bones infuence the mesh is done in two parts.

The mesh object needs the Armature modifier. With that in place, you can paint the bone weights on it.

The bone weights are all stored as vertex groups on the mesh object. Each group will have the same name as the bone that it applies to.

When you parent with empty groups, or automatic weights, all the deform bones will have a vertex group created for them on the mesh object.

Also, if you have a deform bone that was added after you did the parenting, it will create a vertex group for it when you paint any weight for it.

So, look in the data tab on the mesh object that is parented to the armature. You should see all the vertex groups in that list. There will be one for each of your deformation bones.

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My mistake in the previous post. Sorry. I do see the data for the bones. Here is the one for the bone in question.

Is there a way to change something here so that the mesh will appear pink when this shoulder ctr bone is selected?

Yep. You can delete the vertex group. That disassociates it from the weights, and the mesh will show as pink when you select it.

You can do the same for the other CTR_ bones too. Assuming that they are also not supposed to be deformers.


The CTR is not a deform bone so shouldn’t be be in the vertex weight groups.
DEF are the deforming bones that needs weighting.

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So if I simply click the minus sign (-) with the CTR_shoulder.L highlighted that will do it?

I just don’t want to mess up anything. Should I delete all the CTR items in this vertex group box? Supposedly none of them are Deform bones.


Yeah. The minus button will delete the selected vertex group.

If you select the groups while you’re in weight-paint mode, you should be able to see if they have any weights applied to them.

If the bones have been named appropriately, then it should be safe to delete the ‘CTR’ groups. If you’re unsure, you can select the bones to see if they have (or should have) the deform box selected.

If you rename a bone, then any associated vertex group will also be renamed.

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yes, that will clear any weights from these bones.
The other way is to lock the bones you want to keep and there is an option to delete all unlocked. on the right side where the arrow is.
As @magpie Will said make sure you named them correctly first.

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Thank you both! It worked well!

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