Hi all, I am on B4.3.1RC win64
Why we have always this same message in system console:
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
- Other images load in 128x128 (Blender standard).
while the module was installed by the Module Manager addon
I duplicated the PIL folder from extensions>local in my roaming>blender>4.3.1>modules but no change, always this message.
I can’t identify what add-on :
Registering: bl_ext.blender_org.ZenUVChecker
Warning: 'SJSelectionSetEditList' does not contain '_UL_' with prefix and suffix
Warning: 'SJSelectionSetPanel' does not contain '_PT_' with prefix and suffix
Warning: 'SJSelectionSetListPanel' does not contain '_PT_' with prefix and suffix
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Info: Registering operator class: 'SvgExport', bl_idname 'export_svg_format.svg' has been registered before, unregistering previous
Info: Registering operator class: 'GCodeExport', bl_idname 'export_gcode_format.gcode' has been registered before, unregistering previous
UMI : Log file path : C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Local\Temp\UMI_20241206.log
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'umi_colors'
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.alembic_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.tila_import_blend
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_anim.bvh
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.collada_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.dxf
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.image.import_as_mesh_planes
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.image.open
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.object.empty_image_add
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.max
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.max3ds
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.obj_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_mesh.pdb
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.embroidery
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.ply_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.stl_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_curve.svg
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.wm.usd_import
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_scene.x3d
UMI : create class from operator bpy.ops.import_mesh.xyz
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
- Other images load in 128x128 (Blender standard).
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
- Other images load in 128x128 (Blender standard).
Module coloring registered.
Module i18n registered.
Blender PIP user site: C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages
Warning: 'Code_PT_AutoComplete_panel' doesn't have upper case alpha-numeric prefix
May be with SvgExport but what is his name???
I found curve_tools addon and desactived! No change it’s not this addon.
The addon must be activated before “Curve Tools”.
I tryed “Curve CAD Tools” before “Curve Tools” but no change.
And only
was activated for me ! I removed it and now no message !
RESOLVED but not solved because PIL is too installed in roaming/blender/2.43/scripts/modules !
EDIT 1 : I understand now. These add-ons use the t3dn_bip library and this modules content these files:
t3dn_bip\previews.py that demands to :
…if PIL is installed .
def __init__(self, max_size: tuple = (128, 128), lazy_load: bool = True):
'''Create collection and start internal timer.'''
if settings.WARNINGS:
if not support_pillow():
print('Pillow is not installed, therefore:')
print('- BIP images load without scaling.')
if lazy_load:
print('- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).')
if lazy_load and max_size != (128, 128):
print('- Other images load in 128x128 (Blender standard).')
elif not lazy_load and max_size != (256, 256):
print('- Other images load in 256x256 (Blender standard).')
Print warnings about which features are supported.
settings.WARNINGS = True
from .utils import support_pillow
support_pillow() say no ! Why?
def support_pillow() -> bool:
'''Check whether Pillow is installed.'''
if not Image and 'PIL' in sys.modules:
return bool(Image)
I understand now:
Image is not in PIL v11
Because when I type in py console in Blender :
import PIL
from PIL import Image
I have this traceback with PIL v11
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<blender_console>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'Image' from 'PIL' (C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.3\scripts\modules\PIL\__init__.py)