I have also had this happen in Blender 4.1. If I get closer to my object, it sometimes goes into wireframe. It is still in Solid mode. It also happens if I am in one of the ortho views, front, top, side, etc. I have to zoom in or out to make it appear in solid mode again.
s there a setting I am not aware of that causes this to happen? I don’t remember this happening in earlier versions of Blender. I have a little video here to illustrate. Thanks for any help.
Here are two still screenshots, both in solid mode. The first is a top view. You can see the wireframe on parts of the object.
And here is showing that I do not have Wireframe checked. Many times I do have it checked. But you can see, even with it unchecked it is still showing wireframe in top view.
Honestly I doubt its any of both these both things. The wireframe fading isnt dependent on view distance, but your error is. It could be the depthbuffer, but if it fails you should have other problems at the same time.
But nonetheless. if you want to to see if its caused by the depthbuffer, then you have to reduce the range of what the camera displays, so best is to reduce the far to eg 50m testwise. That improves the precision of the depthbuffer.
What size has that model? (Select it and have a look in the n-panel under Item → Transform → Dimensions)
I am not sure what that is, and just to be sure thats it not that, did you also check if retopology overlayy drawing is off?
Thanks Dawn and julperado, I am good with what you mentioned. X-ray and Backface culling are not checked. And Wireframe is not checked under Object Properties and no matter what I have Display As set to it makes no difference.
Debuk, my object is set to real- life size:
I don’t understand the part about the depthbuffer. When you say "reduce the far to 50 m, do you mean the Clip End?
I just asked if you might have that checkbox set and maybe changed the distance value like me here.
But if its gone with a smaller depthbuffer distance set, then its just the default mesh overlay (that is always there in edit mode). Do you have other objects in your scene that are far away of your dog model? Could be caused by that, normally your dog is in a range where the depthbuffer should NOT fail. And whats the dogs world position?
Ok,then the only thing left to verify is that your objects world positions are near to 0,0,0 ( on all three axes ) and if then its a bit strange it happened.