Somber Days

With this render i tried to capture the feel of a sort of garden you might find on a older sort of estate. The character is from MakeHuman, the gatito (cat) is my own sculpt.

Made in blender 3.5.1, rendered with 600 samples. For some reason it took about 13.5 hours to render which was really weird.

Hope you like it!


Nicely done!

Are the tree leaves made using alpha transparency? Because Cycles (or any other ray tracer) really doesn’t like it when you layer many transparent surfaces. In fact, Cycles will render trees with fully modeled leaves much faster, even if it means having 50x the triangle count.

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The rendering time is weird but the result is so beautiful. Specially the cat :sparkling_heart::ok_hand:


i think they are yeah, not really sure as theyre assets from an addon. Ive had many more trees scattered around before which ive replaced with just an image, which you cant really see, but it hasnt affected the render times all that much.

Ive replaced the “true” volumetrics, meaning the ones that use density and instead used a noise texture mixed with a gradient which i then plugged into the emission. Cut the render times from 18h down to the 13.5hr.

If you go to my profile, and check out the hut i made a few months ago, that took only about an hour to render with many more trees and true volumetrics. Also higher res. So idk what is really going on here.

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Could it be the hair? I have seen someone get crazy render times with long hair before. If you deactivate it from the render, does it get faster?

The solution in that person’s case was to add more steps to the hair if I remember.

Sadly cant test this at the moment, but ive experimented with the hair also. The hair on the character is geo nodes based, and this project was also meant to get familiarized with it a bit, so i dont know much about them. Cat has the old-school hair, for which the steps i had very low, about 1 or 2, as anything higher just shot up the amount of time pre-render calculations took and gave no real improvements.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!

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