some 2.4 final questions

sorry for not having enough time to search this myself but it seems now the only way to get them answered:
will 2.4 have:

  • extrude face along path(face not a bezier but poli shape)?

  • skinning with curves with variable number of vertices?

  • swap between bezier curves and normal poli lines(or however a series of vertexes is named it slips right now).I don’t have experience but in a xsi tutorial i’ve seen smth similar at capping a curve defined recipient,making one single closed circle on top a series of vertexes and then applying smth like beauty fill in blender or similar technique.The obj didn’t transform to poligons,remained curve defined-hope i made myself understood

-also in Maya i’ve seen that when you define a nurbs line and make let’s say a spin,like making a vase or glass and then make it polygoned you can very easily go back to change the shape of that first line and the whole shape of the spinned line around a centre gets the new shape;

sorry if there’s a dummy or more stupid questions i don’t speak of experience as i’m a newbie so i’ll wait for some answers;10x

  1. No. Who coded this and where is the patch?

  2. No.

swap between bezier curves and normal poli lines

Already there.

I don’t have experience but in a xsi tutorial i’ve seen smth similar at capping a curve defined recipient,making one single closed circle on top a series of vertexes and then applying smth like beauty fill in blender or similar technique.The obj didn’t transform to poligons,remained curve defined-hope i made myself understood

No idea what you mean.

  1. No.


…also, it appears that the UV/Image Editor doesn’t have real-time editing anymore, in 2.40 Alpha. Is that going to be fixed?

None of the or WIKI references mention anything about that.

Also: I could be doing something wrong, but I can’t seem to get static particles to deflect. in non-static mode, the particles do deflect, but when I put it in static, they go right through the other object(s). I’m pretty sure Blender used to be able to do this and am just wondering if it will have this capability again.