some assembly required

I generally don’t do stills, so this is my first attempt at a scene. I know it can use alot of replacing of procedurals with UV’s, but I am happy with it.

could also be titled “making friends is hard”


changed a wee bit - 1024x768 here:

really nice.he
the models are really nice. hard to see tho a bit to reflective.

the background doesn’t fit the models

but still really nice

I don’t know why I didn’t give it a sci-fi background. I had one in mind with vertical flourescent lights, but then I thought a garage-thing would be better.

I think it’s good. I would like it more with less open space.
More contrast between the figures would help I think.
I’d love to get a closer look at them.
Grain is kind of on the strong side for my taste.
Needs more antialiasing to get rid of sharp jpeggy edges.
A little color and better lighting might go a long way too.


Wow, you finished this pretty fast… My only complaint is the weird camera angle- it makes the droids sort of blend together.

I LOVE the background. As a Dad who has struggled with those darn instruction sheets (now half size so they can also be in spanish), I love it!!! And the play on one robot building another is hillarious!!! and no, chrome should be reflective; i mean, a robot would have like Perfect tools and impeccably clean workshop, right?

i do agree that the assembly one should be a diff. color, they do blend together. and the box should say “Product of Andromeda” or something like that.

I love it!:slight_smile: Would you mind making a 1024 x 768 version so I can have a shiny new desktop?

“Making friends is hard” is definitely the best name:D
Good detail on the robots, the instructions are good as well:)

Really cool image! I think some more contrast amounst the robots would make this image just perfect.


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very nice lighting. I like it. Good job.

changed a wee bit - 1024x768 here:

I like the the other name better - personally :D. The detail is awsome man.

I like the chrome effect on the spanners…

Great job on this! Repositioning the builder bot in the second render really helped seperate the two robots. Great concept, great execution.
I agree that the two robots do blend together a bit. But after reading your secondary “making friends” title, I got what was going on right away. Better textures on the ground, wall, and cardboard box will make this gallery quality, imo.
Happy Blending!

Yay making friends is hard is a better title in my opinian…Can i vote for this to go in forum gallery?