Some bones stay behind when moving main bone.


Ik want to move the whole armature by moving the main bone. I have added the bend file. .

When i try to move the whole thing by grabbing the main bone the flower-head does not follow.

I have tried many things, with IK and such. Sometimes (looks random) I only can rotate bones. What am I doing wrong here ?
Blend file:
sunflower5.blend (3.23 MB)


You need an IK target on the flower. You’ve got the IK constraint but it didn’t have a target. I added the target, and parented it to the main bone.

Thanks SkpFX,

It works now. I only added IK to some bones to set the Chain Lengt (the influence on other bones). On youtube I saw a lot about targets. I did not realise it was necessary in this siuation.
