Some comic I'm working on

Well here’s the link to my latest comic

:expressionless: my server doesn’t allow image linking but the comic is on the main page

i like the art of the first comic the best, the blue cat is very cool
but i’m more interested in the music you have linked to your site, did you make all that?
i listened to just about all of them, and “Dearest” i listened to about 10 times, fu*king great! you are very talented!
post more!

Well thank you ^^
yeah I made all these songs, most (like Dearest) were done using FruityLoops and a bunch of plugins the other ones are made with Reason 2.5

you should start another thread in traditional art with “dearest”, and a link to your other music. i’m sure others would like to listen!

countinue to pursue music, it is a rare and great talent.

That comic is awesome. Very much the kind of thing you see in the university newspaper up here.

