some doodles

I was waiting for D-War to start, but I think i will goto bed instead. It’s late, and I have no idea how long it will take before the D-War brief gets posted. Anywho, while i was waiting I did some doodling. Here’s some of that along with some older crap.

They’re all good, but I especially like the last one. It doesn’t seem you hesitated on a single stroke in that one.

thanks :smiley:

The only reason the last one looks so good is cause it was done with a brush pen with no pencil beneath it. I just drew it. Drawing in ink is a big challenge for people like me who are used to making too many guidelines and junk. Especially when the pen you use will leave a pool of ink if you go too slow :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya, i like the last one too. did you make up that ate NY thing? thats funny :smiley:

The last one reminds me of one of those japanese (they are japenese right?) wood block paintings. Why are they called woodblock? O well. If ya got more, slap em up here :smiley:

Whats D-War? hee hee hee, i feel like a noooooooooob

Dominance War

Woodblocks are called that cause traditionally the drawing is carved into a block of wood and then used to make ink prints something like a rubber stamp. You brush the face of the block with ink, or use a large ink-pad type thing and then press it onto paper. More recently they’ll use a masking solution on a thin sheet of metal and then douse it in acid so that the areas that aren’t masked get etched into the metal. Then they paint that with ink. You can get some REALLY good detail that way and the ‘block’ lasts a lot longer.

I made up the NY thing last night, but i doubt i was the first person to come up with it. Thanks for the comments :smiley: I’ll probably add some more to this later tonight as D-War STILL hasn’t started yet. I’m gonna cry if it doesn’t start soon cause i took a week off work so i could get an uninterrupted start on it, hehe.