Some Futuristic car

…This is the first car a I model with blender… I know that compared with the high level of works here is quite “poor” but I wanted to share with you …it tries to be a futuristic car… :wink:

I am a complete amateur but Im’m fascinated with blender capabilities… I hope to learn much more things about working with blender … and want to thank you all …I’ll try to learn everything I could… :wink:

yo man im a complete amature too im still trying to grasp the concept of uv wrapping but i see you have a future wit blender so i hope to see more of what you can do

Hi, jmcllinux, welcome to BA :slight_smile:

You are presenting a lovely and sleek design and good modelling with this car. I really like it.

Only the lighting isn’t doing any good for your model. It’s too hard and in most times it’s difficult to see the car through the sharp reflections. This kind of lighting produces many additional lines on your model and on the ground. And these lines interfere with the curves of your nice model. Softer lights would help to show the model better.

I dig the car paint shader. Good work on that and good job overall!

Hi kwames… thanks a lot… I have still a lots of things to learn…

I can give you this link…quite interesting info here

Thank you for your stimulous… :wink:

Hi minoribus… Thank you for your support… I’ve seen part of your works and seems really nice…
I’m following your advice an changing the lights… I 'm testing now only with one light source…
It’s true… curves of the model appears…
I attach one of the tries… Thank you very much for your advices… I will continue experimenting :wink:
