nice stuff ! i just love your modeling style(especially the angel wings)
glad to see another yafray user also ;]
Veery lovely style, I like them. Could you post a bit larger pics of that girl and that dragon skeleton models?
I really love the clay like renders, brings a lot of style to your models. Wall Paper sized would really be nice ^_-
Great style dude
Yeah, wallpaper size would be nice
Wooohaaaa! These images are great!!! we need new wallpapers!!!
Ah, thank you. The details on those are really nice, so it was a bit shame, that you posted those tiny pics before these. I really dig that dragon skeleton. Well okay, I like the girl too.
Hehe, wow man, that’s awsome. I love your style! Glad to see some bigger versions further in the topic :).
Again, awsome work mate, congrats.
Your poseing is very good!
Wow! That’s very cool. Say, you would happen to have one of her at the beach?
wow very interesting. love the poop angel!
Congrats top stuff =D