Some thoughts about Blender

Indeed. Hence the suspicion from a few people (myself & developers included) that this is flame bait designed to attract both fanboy & detractor trolls to fight it out for entertainment purposes.

There is no doubt that some of the criticism levelled is valid (Sebastian concedes that) but the “quoted post” is so hostile & inflammatory that there is no possibility of a reasonable reaction. I don’t believe anyone here honestly believes simply quoting it and vaguely asking for an opinion was under the impression it would result in level-headed, reasoned, & productive conversation on any forum let alone one setup to discuss the software it poured vitriol on.

To the person who wrote that: What the hell is this all about. Of course in a tirade of eighteen paragraphs there’s going to be some valid points.

Let me just float a damn thought here. Which hardware has launched more aspiring CG artist on a career in the last five years. And, what the hell is wrong with Blender being used in small studios by the way. I’ve read Mondo is a fine intuitive program. And, somewhere sits a young kid as far removed from Mondo is I am Maya given the price. And, we are both using Blender. Do you have any idea what Ton did.

Ton and the developers made CG art available to everyone. And, yeah occasionally I bitch and moan about a particular aspect of Blender. I don’t know what the hell you did today but I didn’t come close to doing anything like that. And, naturally a young person really interested in an art career might at some point trade Blender for Mondo or Maya. The reason for that has been discussed many times. And, by the way I’m no fan boy. I wish Brecht had a node stuck…

The reason Blender wears many hats is I can’t afford a sculpting program, Skippy. Nor, After Effects for that matter. This bullshit shows up on this forum as regular as clockwork. It’s become humorous actually. You wanted to know my opinion. :slight_smile: Yeah, right.

It’s funny. I came to Blender after cutting my 3D teeth on Modo 501. Frankly, at my current skill level, Modo is complete and total overkill for me.

Over at the Luxology and Foundry forums, most people had nothing but good things to say about Blender. It’s one of the major reasons why I ended up checking it out. Yeah, you have a few people occasionally criticizing the UI, or complaining about some weird issue here and there, but overall, people were pretty positive about it. It’s the major reason why I ended up giving it a go, and why I’m here now.

Now here I am at the official Blender forum, and it’s all doom and gloom and navelgazing.

Comeon, people. Comeon.

“If you have any sense at all, stay off the forums.” - Vince Gilligan.

There is not a better free program out there. I don’t care what it is. Blender is quite the package if you care to learn it.

And, another thought since we just had the thunder storms from hell through here. That entire diatribe was based on a false premise. Companies hire people and they go on to raise families and generate more jobs. Mondo, Autodesk and all the rest fall in that category. Very few people who use Blender can’t grasp that concept. Nor, have a problem with it.

So the entire diatribe was based on some in this forum wishing Blender somehow does all the commercial programs in. Suddenly open source slays the dragon. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass while making your way to the parking lot with a file box. That is bat shit crazy. Somehow software is different from say a machine shop. “Look tomorrow is your last day” “I’m open sourcing with two paid machinist and fourteen volunteer”.

You don’t like Microsoft and put up with Linux. Fine, that’s just dandy. Hell, I might even say that is marvelous except you probably already paid for Microsoft. But, Blender fills a niche and does it very well. Some studios also can’t afford a program for modeling, sculpting, and compositing. And, they are turning out some fine work with Blender. I know it’s fine because they are getting paid for it. Ask some of our Blender buddies in South America say.

By the way all that Geek shit just runs over my head. I download the latest version and play catch up being a hobbyist. The developers can worry about that. That being said the author of that little piece can simply kiss my old ugly ass. They took something that doesn’t exist with most Blender users and ran with it. The ones I like are to busy attempting to create art.

Yeesh… so, this is a quote without context and the OP doesn’t add anything to the discussion. If it’s actually a quote from something read online, then PM me the link and perhaps there’s something more to discuss. Until then, this thread is closed.