Some weird conspiracy theory has been going around.

Or perhaps talking directly to the witnesses in some underground forum.

Even then, it is the opposite of sane that is popular with the media and TV studios, they get their own shows, they get hours of news coverage, they get multi-page stories in newspapers ect… If you are insecure, insane, or just have ideas that are out there, the media and TV studios want to know you.

The problem here in this country is that some have started attributing entire groups of people with some of those who I mentioned above, simply because you don’t really hear of the good things those same groups are doing because it wouldn’t be as good for the ratings, it is also this issue that has in part made it more difficult to engage in some forms of civil debate.

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they usually don’t bother to check their facts, but are very quick to jump to “counter-explanations” to basically every news event occuring. These people will easily believe anything that fits into their worldview, even if it is just some baseless claim that could be completely made up by someone who wants to appear interesting. And they will repeat it and repeat it (often without giving credit to their original sources) until it becomes some sort of “common knowledge” among them.
In this case I find it appaling that in a CG-related forum nobody bothered to check out the basis behind these puported holograms. These are not Holograms. This is ordinary Augmented Reality that requires the video captured by a camera to be processed by a computer, it is basically a realtime version of camera tracking. No projectors are used and this isn’t useful to project anything into the night sky. (Which is not to say that things couldn’t be projected into the night sky, but this has nothing to do with it)

Actualy debates are plenty, atleast on the web. I find interest in debates in general and I get entertained at times by them.

If you have questions about God, whether you do or dont believe in him/it, just type Hitchens in the youtube browser. Worst case scenario, you will leave with a weird smile on your face. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do hate that statement, it is way to true & logical for my taste. ;D

There are secrets being held for a long time, I admit that. The F117 and B2 bomber are among them - but on the other hand that secret broke the alien conspiracy thoery in regard to ‘Area 51’ - or ‘The Groom Lake Facility’ as it is called in the Andews documentation - as it was there they built and had them stationed. Now, I’m guessing it’s where they play with ‘Project Aurora’ (or what it might be called ‘officially’), PDE’s, scramjets and all that fun stuff… ;D

But I do not believe even a goverment could arrange and get away with something like 9/11, imo that is impossible. Someone would talk. A CIA agents shooting JFK from the grassy knoll is way more plausible in that case, so not all conspiracy theories are complex enough to not being plausible as a secret being kept for 50 years, I’d admit to that to. :slight_smile:

Pretty unlikely there’s not ‘life’ outside our planet. On the other hand, are the scientist even agreeing on what the definition for life is? ;D

Yes. And isn’t it fascinating? I myself are addicted to facts (even though I do not always dig the deepest, as we’ve discussed before, hehe) and common sense and find it fascinating that other people so easily discard logic when it doesn’t fit into their political or religious views.

I was more into the conspiracy thing than the tech thing… But to be even more clear, projecting stuff into thin air is not even a hologram, it’s a volumetric display - only in scifi are volumetric displays called holograms. ;D

Yes. Only one person here (me) posted a link to real holograms (Zeitun link). And why it was done and how.

One thing I find strange is how mad religious people get when I propose that god, as he is described and in context with how we view ourself and the universe, would be an alien. Technically, even on the level that this being created the universe - or simulated it - that’s a scenario I find way more likely than a preternatural being creating everything. And they go absolutely nuts. That is so weird. :smiley:

And how exactly do you presume that it is possible for alien technology to advance in capability to infinity? I personally don’t think I would ever consider something like this as possible unless someone manages to find an infinite probability drive in an alien ship and demonstrate it for all to see. (as seen in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, only more controllable).

I absolutely feel it’s possible. See what humanity have found out in the last 100 years alone, what will we know in 100 years? Or do? And in 10.000? In a million years from now? (if we survive as a species for that long)

How far are we today, from being advanced enought to basically guarantee the survival of our species? To build generational ships cruising the stars? Even if Einstein is right and the speed of light is the finite speed and we can’t go around it, we’ll still launch ships into infinity, that I’m certain of… If we’re not struck by one of those comets tomorrow, obscured by the sun, striking without warning, hehe… That is also a scenario, but humanity surviving is imo as likely.

And the day we build a computer fast enough to simulate a Universe, will we be ‘god’ then? :wink:


And he’s always wearing such nice suits but he just doesn’t seem to care about his hair at all. Are we sure he’s not an alien? ;D

The likelyhood of a Star Trek universe out there, M-class planets and aliens, so alike us we can have sex with them, that’s pretty slim, to say the least, hehe… ;D

But I absolutely believe in life outside earth, out in the universe, but not like these guys, hehe, not like ‘they have been here all along’… I think life, in most cases, is probably very different from us and maybe even so different we won’t recognize it as life at all…

“My hair acts as a tinfoil hat”

Then we plug the computer, turn it ON and we ask it: Exists GOD?
And the computer answers:
Now, YES…

I completely agree with you.

And the day we build a computer fast enough to simulate a Universe, will we be ‘god’ then?

I feel like knowing everything would be a sad existence
No mysteries out there to be solved :frowning:

I think Douglas Adams was right. When it comes down to it, we don’t really have a good question, it’s all to complex to be possible to work with as simple a question as ‘Why?’. :wink:

Edit: I once heard a creationist say that he thought evolution was unlikely due to the complexity of it. To him, it just wasn’t logical. It made no sense.

I wonder how this person would react to a basic description about the atoms and molecules we and everything around us is built by, and how it’s all just not there. Everything we perceive as solid and mass, it’s just nothingness, a 99.9 followed by a billion 9’s % made up of absolutely nothing. Empty. All we see and touch is basically magnetic fields. It’s all one big optical illusion.

Then I accidentally drop a glass, falling to the floor and breaking into a thousand glimmering pieces. In that moment, I just cannot believe the physical reality as described above. It’s just so unlikely that nothingness can break into a thousand pieces… And in that moment I can almost understand them. Almost. ;D

Back in the days when evolution was first proposed, a lot of the complexities in how life works wasn’t yet discovered.

We didn’t know about genes or DNA for instance, we also thought that cells were blobs of protoplasm. (a far cry from today where we now know of the little structures known as organelles along those videos showing complexity to the molecular level). Most years nowadays also seem to bring an ‘Oh Snap!’ moment when a scientist discovers an even greater complexity within a part of the human body than known previously.

I’d argue that life coming together by itself looked more plausible with the knowledge we had 100 years than today, though that is my argument. :slight_smile:

Also, simulating an entire universe with millions of galaxies and quadrillions of stars on a computer would require something far beyond silicon and probably quantum computing, not to mention the fact that the absolute most promising techniques being researched about memory and data storage wouldn’t come even close to what would be needed, and that is before you can turn it into something in the vein of the Matrix trilogy where you can jack in and explore it, all in all, emulating a god that one believes is infinite would require an equally infinite advance in technology, a place that we would never get to because there is no end point.

Say that life is extremely rare. That, for life to be created, there must be an almost impossible number of coincidences happening at the right time. If this is the case, even then life could appear when those circumstances were met, right? However unlikely.

In that situation, some people would argue that it’s unlikely that life occurred naturally.

Now say life is pretty common. That it happens all the time.

And some people will still argue that it’s unlikely that life occurred naturally.

So we don’t know which is true, life being rare or common. But the argument in any case, that it’s unlikely that life occured on it’s own, it’s only a matter of how wrong you are.

The scenario that life occurring naturally is totally impossible, there’s just no way. That’s the only scenario where the the argument that life cannot occur naturally is the right one. And I find that extremely unlikely.

Well, the flaw in your logic is, if we were to be in a simulated universe now, our reality in terms of the laws of nature might be specific to the simulation. Perhaps the simulated universe is simulated to see how a universe would work using a specific set of laws or how theoretical matter would work. Perhaps they thought of a theory how strings could build a framework for a simulated reality and it’s all an experiment around that… And trying to ‘reverse engineer’ the workings of ‘the real universe’ from inside the simulated one would of coarse be impossible… :wink:

Well, this is just a thought experiment, I don’t believe we’re in a simulated universe - but seeing how we love to play with the Blender sim’s I guess, if we could, we’d simulate a universe just for the fun of it, hehe… But I still believe a universe simulated by an alien is a more plausible explanation than a supernatural being as proposed by the god-theory - or one could argue that it would be the same thing in which case I’d say I’m an agnostic and not an atheist… :smiley:

To note, has anyone actually tried a large scale experiment where they would have a holding area filled with various ingredients considered as necessary for life and see if they achieve and capture the birth of life from those ingredients? If anyone actually tried it, then how close would they have gotten to a fully-formed cellular organism with the exact same level of function as existing ones?

I would imagine this could help people find out whether or not the origin of life can be explained by science alone, though I wonder why in this day of billion dollar experiments, no one has yet set up a high profile lab to test it to a full extent.

What if we never could succed in that? Never get that working. Would that prove the existence of god? It would just prove humans are not god, hehe… ;D (*)

I for one, I just don’t care if people believe in god, not as long as they are thought science as well. The thing is, people should be given a choice in what to believe. It scares me reading about people in the US keeping their kids away from school as they don’t want them to be exposed to ‘lies’ like evolution. That is as bad behavior as what the US is trying to stop in Afghanistan and Iraq, women not allowed to educate themselves and all that… But if you look at reality, seing it for what it is, scientifically, and say - "I believe theres something bigger that created this’, I don’t care about that at all. Good for you. I don’t believe so, but I have no problem with you believing it. :slight_smile:

(*) I’ve heard of experiments where they produced the base proteins in som kinda manufactured primeval ooze, shocking it with electricity and such… But getting from that to creating cells, all that, I doubt it will ever be done outside the computers - but I believe it eventually will be simulated on supercomputers, that kinda biology. But not for real in a lab, I doubt that will ever happen. Or is possible even. From basic proteins to working cells, that took like a billion years on earth… Is it even possible to accelerate that? We’re back to the question how easy life starts. How easy is it to get life evolving. The step from not life to life is the first step of evolution…