Something going on with my Normals (Blender OBJ export to Substance Painter)

Blender Artists… I once again come to you for help.

I’ve modelled and uv-unrwapped this model of an old lamp, everything looks perfectly fine in Blender, yet when I use Substance Painter to bake the maps, I’m starting to get really strange normals / texturing issues I’ve never had before.

Ambient Occlusion view in Substance Painter - Yes I forgot to flip normals on the black part, that isn’t the problem… It’s those corners and edges of the clamp

World Space Normals view in Substance Painter

Solid Viewport View in Blender

Rendered Viewport view in Blender

Normal orientation in Blender (Blue line = Normals, Pink lines = Split Normals, Dark Blue lines = Vertex Normals)

UV reference in Blender

This problem occurs with ‘Auto Smooth’ turned on, and off, and in Geometry data there are no Custom Split Normals to clear.

Anyone got any idea on what is happening here :frowning:

Imported just the clamp itself into substance 3D

Seems like I’ve narrowed down the problem… back to UV Unwrapping :face_holding_back_tears: