The first variations of it had just a terrain with a penguin on it, but then I decided to add an ocean, other penguins and make it all looks as if it’s happens somewhere in the North.
I think you have a bunch of interesting elements even tho they can be organised a bit better.
I’m pretty sure it’s possible to do a lot to that image by revisiting each parts without introducing much new stuff.
You seem to be more at ease when doing orthographic views / dioramas. When perspective / closeups is introduced it’s a bit less sharp.
But while having a diorama / ortho view looks cool quite easily I find them a bit too restrictive and it’s more interesting when the camera is near the subject.
But hey, that’s cool nonetheless and it’s ok to work on the quantity over the quality
Thanks for the criticism, to be honest, I do more prefer the orthographic view rather than perspective. But when I only faced with Blender, I used to work only with the second one.
Yeah, I thought about revisiting each parh of that render, but decided to give just the only one image, but yeah, I could’ve added some zoom-in pics of the snowman etc.
Frankly, I do prefer more the quality over the quantity. But sometimes it so happens that I rushing too quick in order to done the project.
Like the main image from your farm, and other work you shown, it kinda makes things very “organised” so it’s easier to manage.
And by “revisit” I meant to keep the same image, but to look at individual components to improve them. I meant that there are a lot of little areas of improvements.
Sorry if that was unclear !