Sony MZ-R91 MiniDisc Player

I’ve owned and loved this MiniDisc player/recorder for many years now, and it is still working. Embracing my permanent state of nostalgia for the 80s and 90s, I thought I’d make a short sequence using Blender.


Love it. I used to have one of these but it didn’t look that battered :slight_smile:

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Hehe, thanks so much. Fortunately my player isn’t really this battered - I used an excellent weathering add-on, but probably over-cooked it. The poor thing.


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


I couldn’t see it on the featured row, but thanks for featuring on Instagram :grinning::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Ha weird, the tag wasn’t added. I did it now; it should appear in the top row in 10 minutes or so.

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You absolute star. Thanks! :+1:t2::pray:t2:

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I had one just like that! my dog chew on the headphone jack that had that little controller to pause/skip and stuff, very cool hard surface modeling and texturing! nice lighting too!

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Good old times when I used that media for storing music …

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grungit addon?

hey really nice work, please can you show us some sick wireframe p*rn?, that would be apreciated! :wink::joy::yum:

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I used the Smart Weathering add-on (pretty sure that’s what it’s called).

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Yeah, good idea. I’ll do that :grinning:

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Estoy dudano que sea un render XD jajaja increible me encanta …youre A pRO

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Wow, even the display is animated! Very nice.

My wife used to have one of these. I wonder if it’s still in a box somewhere…

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Thanks so much! :grinning: I always like to hear when people still have theirs kicking about somewhere. They shall live on!

It’s the Smart Weathering add-on.

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Did you add a light musgrave bump on the metal? It looks fantastic!

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Thanks. It’s just a simple noise texture chucked through a bump node and plugged into the normal input (Principled BSDF). :slight_smile:

Love the grunge!

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