Sorcar - Procedural modeling in Blender using Node Editor

A few more observations now that I have redone my example


I use the refresh mesh node quite often, but if I disconnect some component nodes and wish to see what’s happening in component mode when disconnecting to mesh & refresh mesh, I am not getting an update unless I modify all nodes

Offset outer

I am trying to create roof overhangs. I tried using inset with outset option set and offset edge loops. With both nodes, i get an interpolated edgeloop somewhere between the current edge loop and the previous one.

Here is a try with offset edge loop

One of my favorite addons is offset edges And i am wondering with that could be converted into a node in sorcar?

Add loop cuts

what is the best way to add loop cuts and select them. In my case, I want to make a pitched roof by adding a loop cut to all the roofs at the center and moving it up. I tried using the loop cut node, but I am not sure how exactly it works and whether it understands to make a loop cut on the currently selected faces, with the correct orientation.

sorcar01.blend (2.4 MB)

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