Sorry it's kind of off-topic but is there anything weird with the body?

@solarama too late, now we all know how your HS crush looked like :rofl:


dude, you found me out! her name was Lisa. the one that got away… :frowning:


hahaha, from my side it was more hilarious!!
was reading your answer (on point btw) you gave it the best description possible. and i was thinking, procrastinating of making that joke… and Bam!!! you deleted it right in my face which made it more funny kinda confirming the point!!!

Hi. I think she looks great! :slight_smile: But I would change the proportions a bit :wink:

  • the head looks a bit too wide/big for the shoulders. For very small persons (around 1.50m) that’s true. But I think then the waist is also too small.
  • the neck seems to be a bit too short
  • the bust line seems a little too high to me. I would lower it a bit (except she wears a push-up bra, corset, or armor)
  • let’s say the waist is the narrowest point. Then the belly button should be below the waist and slightly above the end of the hip bone/pelvis.
  • for a realistic look, I would make the waist and hips a little wider
  • I’ve pulled the belly button downwards but then I also had to pull the crotch area and hands downwards a bit to keep the pelvis size
  • finally, I think her lower legs could be a little longer as she wears platform shoes.
  • overall the body is now bigger/taller in comparison to the head (hopefully, her arms are not too short, I haven’t checked that. The body length should correspond approximately to the distance between the fingers when the arms are extended.)

(There is a small deformation of the face, but this was not intentional.)


thank you so much. this is helpful.

Looking good! Great job. As a fashion illustrator, I personally prefer head-to-body proportions of 1:9 or 1:10, but that’s just my personal preference.

thank you! :slight_smile:

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