The weekend challenge at is a great way for me to keep practicing and getting better at blender. The last topic was Harmony. A great theme open for a lot of interpretations and ideas. I decided to go for something music related and the beauty of the G-clef felt compelling. So that was the start.
I made up the material quite quickly just to have something but it made it all the way to the final render (with addition of colors). At this point I needed a scene, some kind of composition. I decided to add swirling notes. Modelling the nodes was similiar to the g-clef so it was not too much effort. The notes were distributed using a geometry nodes chain.
I wanted more colors and modified the material to pick texture coordinates from a big cube encompassing the entire scene which could then be converted to colors using color ramps.
I could have stopped here. The time is limited for a weekend challenge but I wanted to push it a bit further. Violins are beautiful and I have been seeking for an opportunity to model one so I went for it. Having fast forwared a few videos I sat down and made this.
I added to the scene along with some particles generated with geometry nodes and I had my final render.
The voting and the other great entries can be found here. Challenge #1078 "Harmony" Voting CLOSED - #8 by codecontemplator