Space Fighter USF Aeon

Quick ship I made. Spent about 4 hours modelling. The United Space Fighter Aeon. C+C please.



Very nice the glow from the ships(whatever it is) looks like a beautiful lightsaber!

The pipes on the outside look a little too default.

Love the model. Lighting on the hull could be a little more dramatic though.

Great model!

The red beams should cast some red lighting on the hull, as should the weapon strike on the rear.

Here is an example:

I have completly re-lit it and also added a second ship exploding. The reason the laser at the back cuts out is because im going to be making enemy fighters to create a full spacescape battle scene.


Looks great man! Can’t wait to see an update!

Yes, it now looks a thousand percent better than it did. Good job.

nice work man. How did you do the lasers? Are they particle emitters?

No, halo texture actually.

As I recall, you make a line segment, subdivide it into zillions of vertices, then apply a halo texture with lines. That is what gives it the spiky appearance.

Your right Nyrath thats exactly how I did it. Sorry for the lack of updates, been tied up with exams. Anywho this is the model of the 2nd fighter. No textures as of yet but will be some soon.

C+C always appreciated. ta


looking good. you should have a larger ship in the background. like, carriers for the fighters.

hey havnt been any updates for a while seeing as ive been on hols. But now im back nice n tanned and here with the latest update. Ive textured the new ship and added it to the scene.

C+C appeciated as always
