Space Invaders Clone (First game project!)

Hey guys, I want to start off saying, I’m just your average man… I don’t have any special talents. Just a burning desire to make people happy (and have fun!)

So with that said let’s roll out my first ever game (or 3d model for that matter ;))!

I’m working on a space invaders clone :eek: I’ve downloaded blender back in 2006 but had an epic fail with the GE :o so today I logged on blender artists, downloaded the newest blender version and here I am :cool:

I don’t want anyone to help me… I will refrain from posting in the support forum for help :yes: I will do this all on my own as learning experience. I’m hoping to learn python and the logic brick thingies :confused:

Anyway here’s a screenshot!



Good luck!

What about trying the draw the scan lines from the old arcade games as well?

Haha, let me try and learn some stuff about the game engine before making any promises :wink:

Looking really good! It definitely has the feel of the original. And its fine to post in the support section, thats why its there(Just make sure you use search first)

Keep it up!

Haha thats cool, I like that game (got it on my sansa right now :smiley: )

Youtube video posted in first post :smiley:

Wow, look great for a first project, hehe. I’ve made a space invaders game before… one of the many games I lost in my computer crash :frowning:

Keep up the good work, I’m anxious to see what you’re going to do next!

Ok! Here’s a update of something I learned! Animation maps in the game engine! Following -[Killer]-'s awesome tutorial on his blog I took still images of an explosion, created a gif image out of them, and then mapped it on a single image as a map!

Here’s the gif animation I made

And here’s the map I made out of it

Feel free to use the map, just credit me :slight_smile:

oh, and here’s a link to -[Killer]-'s tutorial

I’d enjoy any comments and crits for my game so far :slight_smile: check the first post for the youtube video

Watches the video :smiley: its cool!

Some suggestions: make the bad and good pieces 3d and maybe a little tiny biy relfective (adding a image and setting it to ref)

tilt the camera so you can see the pieces that are 3d

add a space background =D

looks fun!

Actually, everything is in 3d :slight_smile:

I wasn’t sure the best way to model (remember I’m a complete blender noob :() so I used cubes and duplicated to get the pixelated look.

How can I load fonts into the game engine to use for points? Like I have the good font 04b2 (i think that’s what it’s called) and I want to use that in real time, how would I do that?

And thanks :smiley:

Ive got a problem :frowning: I’ve made and alpha map for it which works wonderfully! The problem is, when I’ve using the real time mapping tools like -[killer]- said in his tut, whenever you quit the game it stops at that frame and picks back up on that frame when you restart the game :no:

How do I get it to always start on the first frame :confused:

I think there is a LOAD button in the font settings in editing panel.

Won’t let me change the blender text in game. I want in game text that is editable :frowning:

Wow, your explosions look great! I don’t think it’ll match the style of your game though, lol. Umm… about your text question, you’re going to need to find bitmap fonts and load them in as textures mapped to fonts. I believe blendenzo’s got some tuts along with bitmap fonts @

If there’s not a pixel font on his site just google, there’s bitmap pixel fonts everywhere, haha.

other than that…

Oh, also, how are you going to subtract alpha from your animation map? Are you using GLSL mode? Even so, didn’t think blender supported alpha maps unless it’s an alpha PNG.


For my explosion alpha I took my explosion into photoshop, made it black and white (using custom options) and increased every value to the max, then I had a good alpha map. In blender I then mapped it to alpha with subtract selected instead of mix.

Here’s the alpha map


I love retro games. However, try to add something new/special/unseen so that players are motivated to play and not to use an emulator with the original game.

I did something similar some time ago:


Look at watches. Look at watches.