
any comments a very welcome… I’m not 100 percent happy with the lighting…


What is it?

How should I know? A space light on the moon, venus, mars or somewhere… but does it matter?

When I’m looking at the things that stick out on the side, the one in the front looks really good for the little ‘round-like protrusions’ in the middle. The same protrusions look blurry on the sticky-outy things flanking it though. Do you understand what I’m saying? It’s hard to talk about the pieces when you don’t know what to call them.

Thanks for the feedback! I know exactly what you mean and the problems source is the mirror-modifier that I applied. Unfortunately (that was bad planning at the beginning of the project) the mirrors axis goes exactly through the middle of this one “side-bump”, meaning that I only could do a UV-mapping for one half of the texture and the other is automatically mirrored causing this blurry effect. I will give it a try with adjusting the UV-map…