This is my WIP for a space station. Anything to make the model look any better guys?
First, the stars are way to big. They should be barely noticeable. They are really far away. The only thing that would be bigger then a dot is a nearby planet and that would only be a few dots. You can add lens flare if you want to.
Second, I would only make one side of the solar panels reflective. It stands to reason that there’s only going to be one significant source of light. It would unecessary weight for both sides to be operational. I would suggest making a beam going down the center of the solar panel to give it structural integrety. I would also suggest making the panels parralel to the main structure. Theoretically this would allow the main structure to cast less shadows onto the solar panels.
Third, the spacecraft need to be close to the main structure. It’s practical for astronaughts to go from one sealed structure to another then to suit up, depressurize, eva a hundred feet, repressurize, and then unsuit.
Fourth, I have no idea what the purpose of structure above the main structure serves.a
Hey thanks for reply.
The structure above is still under construction, its just a frame to house experiments on, it also has a giant arm.
I placed the solar panels in that position because of pictures from the ISS I seen…
However I’m in the process of rigging them so they could turn quite a bit.
In the story this is for, it’s going to be orbiting one of Saturns moons, so after a bit of research I’ll find out if solar panels are actually any good that far off. Hope they are, I like them
Yeah shuttles can be moved anywhere too. Maybe up front.
Out near Saturn? Two words: thorium reactor
Nice one wolfred
Arm Extended a little