space station concept

Hi, working on a space station. Plan on ripping the innards of Elysium. Anyone know where I can find a texture to use for the innards?

Also, any CC on the shape?


Orbit round the dark side of the moon.
Don’t really like the way this looks…

Your background picture is far to densely packed with stars. Actual star-filled photos like that take hours of exposure to capture, and regardless of realism it just looks cluttered. I also think you need to add more of a colour/lighting differential between the station and moon; I like the idea of having the station in front to emphasize how small and lonely it is compared to the moon but right now they blend together too much.

Finally, the texture on the moon seems flat; the craters towards the edge still look round which they shouldn’t on a rounded surface falling away from the viewer. Is the moon model actually a sphere?

Station looks nice, but IMO there are waaaay to many stars. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Around the orbit of Europa. That’s Io in the distance and finally Jupiter.

Station has no textures at the moment, not sure how to texture a space station, maybe materials but no textures.

Another shot with planets moved around. This one was inspired by Wanderers.

you can create the innards using any of a few fractal planet generators

the old ( but still working) “FractalPlanet” builds just fine using gcc4.8 & QT4
the old “LibNoise - ComplexPlante” still will build with gcc 4.8
Torben Æ. Mogensen’s “planet” that builds using gcc4.3

Last shot you posted is killing it! I think the texture on Europa could use some variations in specularity but the basic composition looks great! I also think the space station could be a little larger but its looking great!

the proportions for the moons and planet look a bit out of proportion to me

i know that these have the moons in the correct orbits ( using the NASA/JPL spice orbit data )

the two dark circles are the shadows from IO and Europa

the short “the Wanderers” used my maps for that segment

TidyPachiderm & Bonhart > Yeah, I know it’s cluttered but it’s the only equirectangular star image I have. I might just not have a world texture and just leave it black and see how that works. I would make my own but I’m not sure how to make equirectangular maps, I could just make a plain I guess. All the planets in this shot are spheres with textures from various places mapped onto them. You’re right there is no bump map on the moon, big mistake on my part, might go back in and re-arrange that. Thanks for the CC.

JohnVV > Nice images man. Is there a specific place to get them all or are they scattered around the place? You’re right about the distance, I just placed them where I thought they would look visually pleasing and not where they should be, although I will go and fix that because this is for an animation eventually.

TidyPachiderm > Thanks bro! I’m not entirely sure about how to go about the spec but I know what you mean.

Yeah, glossiness is both the most important and most difficult part of any material. I might just try running your diffuse texture through a colour ramp node to generate a b&w version and then slightly exaggerating the contrast, then using that image as a mix factor for two versions of the material with slightly different glossy values; all you want is for some areas of the icy surface to be just slightly shinier than others, I think it will really sell the iciness, and I’d be nice to see some rim lighting from Jupiter on the surface.

i am in the process of " new years resolution" SPRING CLEANING

i have a mess that needs to be reorganized


here is a link to a zip file with Jupiter and the 4 large Galilean moons
├── 4k.Jupiter.png -miss labeled this it is a 8k map
├── 8k.Callisto.png
├── 8k.Europa.png
├── 8k.Ganymede.png
4k = 4096x2048 Pixels
8k= 8192x4096 pixels

Europa is just a dirty ball of ice ( the surface is)
in this case the darker colors ARE less reflective
so a B&W copy of the rgb texture can be used as a Spec map
this is not 100% accurate , but it is close to the the real values .

Thanks very much both!