Space Time Globe

This is a space time globe. You use it to explain special relativity. The goal was to get some practice in product rendering

I used animation drivers and a littly python script to get correct lorenz transformations for the moving parts

Animated version:

The original space time globe was designed by Henry Reich from minutephysics


It looks great, but you piqued my interested and it would have been nice to see a bit more about what it does :wink: Is this an actual product?

Thank you!

It is not a real product. I got the idea from Minutephysics youtube series on special relativity:

They built a prototype for the series, i liked it and tried to make a “pretty” version of it.
My focus was on creating a “real product”. Something that could be manufactured and acutally works. (The small screen wouldn’t work since it is not connected to the mechanics)

Here you can see the machanics with the drivers

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Hey, could i buy one?

I’m not sure if this is a real request?
My space time globe is a fictional product and can’t be bought. sorry

Markus, I really love the concept that you have created. I am looking at the idea of making one with a 3D printer. Would I be able to use any of your work (models, etc) to try and make one?

Hi Joel!

I’m glad you like it. I’m not sure if this is a good use case for 3d printing since smooth movement (with bearings) is needed but i’ll send you a link to the model as private message.

I’d love to see progress pictures in case you really make it

Do you have an AI file of it so I could make it?

Hi @b_rocks, i only have a .blend file

Hi, I’m interested in 3d printing it aswell in a hybrid way, could I use your models?

Hello! Do you have the .blend file public somewhere?

Hi @CGRowdy This looks like quite an interesting idea, could you send me the 3d model to play around with?

Hi rowdy. Im interested in building a model. I was wondering if you could share the .blend file with me. It would help me a lot with building it.

Hi I’ve just started special relativity in uni and I was hoping I could get the .blend file as I want to create a model. I don’t know if the original poster sent you the .blend file but if he did I was wondering if you could share it?