They built a prototype for the series, i liked it and tried to make a “pretty” version of it.
My focus was on creating a “real product”. Something that could be manufactured and acutally works. (The small screen wouldn’t work since it is not connected to the mechanics)
Markus, I really love the concept that you have created. I am looking at the idea of making one with a 3D printer. Would I be able to use any of your work (models, etc) to try and make one?
I’m glad you like it. I’m not sure if this is a good use case for 3d printing since smooth movement (with bearings) is needed but i’ll send you a link to the model as private message.
I’d love to see progress pictures in case you really make it
Hi I’ve just started special relativity in uni and I was hoping I could get the .blend file as I want to create a model. I don’t know if the original poster sent you the .blend file but if he did I was wondering if you could share it?