spacecraft model

hey Forum, i’m planning a little animation set in space and figured i may as well let you guys in on the process and get some feed back at the same time.

this ship is kind of a privatly owned service vehichle, rather than a big corporation /government/ military fleet craft.

it isnt a huge craft as you can see from the scale of the windows on the upper deck.

i have most of the exterior Hull modelled though i am not too happy about the nose of the craft i may shorten it a little, but i dont want it to look too snub nosed but i need to deal with it so i can work on the interior as the front will contain a docking port, though i may change my mind on that if i get a look that i like.

oh and a little test render of the current ship with its little extras.
note, textures are just placeholders for the moment

Looks good. And no parts missing like mine XD

Its looking good so far but i noted there is a couple of problems with your mesh,

-Just in front of the windows there is a messed up bit of mesh, most likely caused by a sub-surf modifier, a good way to fix some of these is with edge loops (Ctrl + R) it will also help you straighten out parts of the model that you don’t want to sub-surf to effect as much.

-Are the black things on the wings supposed to be guns, if so i feel they are a bit too big for a spaceship that’s supposed to be a private ship.

-For the textures i have a suggestion (i know you are going to change these anyway) dirty the whole thing up and add burn markings on the nose to suggest atmospheric burn from taking off and landing on planets.

Keep up the good work and i look forward to seeing it completed

thanks for your input, i wasn’t quite sure which part of the mesh you were refering to though, there is an extrusion on the nose that you cant quit see and is throwing some shadows in the render also i have a plane that i will be modelling as the interior deck later that is currently peeping through the mesh, i think either one of those may be what you are seeing.

the textures will be battered and grungy when its done but i wont be using atmospheric burn as it is not designed for planetary landing, the Wings are not really wings, they’re just “Wing like” in appearance! you can see in the current render that they would be totally unable to support a craft of this size in an atmosphere.

i know, the guns are huge. i may reduce them later in the project but at the moment i think they’re ok, we’ll see.

any way i have subsurfed the model to get some good curves and sharpened the edges where it needed it, made a start on some of the machinary that will remain exposed. once thats finished i shall start on the detailing of the hull ready for creating the normal maps for the low poly detail

ya ok the guns are huge :smiley:

Nice. One of the most complete starts I’ve seen on spaceships, and a cool design. Is this the final lighting, or just a setup to test if everything fits together nicely? In your final shot there should be a much less powerful lighting scheme.

the lighting is just something i threw in to get a good all round look ant the render. though it has washed out some of the shape on the nose section! i’ll be re lighting everything once it comes to setting the scene. though i’m a total noob at lighting :smiley:

liking your Harpy project too, greebles are a ball ache arn’t they :smiley:

Nice ship! Is dat fake AO? :evilgrin:

lol i think ihave AO enabled on the world settings! i’ll more than likley bake an AO map for the final model though

i’ve done some work on the hull, the side cannons are now a lot shorter and the nose has been cut away to to create the door for the docking port and i have started re modelling the engines though they are far from done ( they currently look like tubes with “engine parts” stuck on hence no render yet!) i have also been working on some greebles, which will be expose in the docking scene but i doubt if any one is interested in looking at what is basicaly some bent cylinders!lol

the main living deck has been made to fit the interior on the hull and is ready to have the walls and corridors put into place.

so, what with Mr Price doing his tutorial on spaceship corridors and flooding the internet with billions of same old corridors, as nicely done as many of them are i felt i needed to do something a little bit different while still maintaining the functionality and ease of use of a simple quarter of a corridor and multiple arrays etc.
this is what i have so far, its just going to be a plain corridor that i can arrange throughout the ship as and when i need to additional details like consoles will be added to the scene as appropriate.
so heres my take on the space corridor theme

there is slightly more detail on the end door, i kind of washed it out with the green light though. the lights are just there to give a bit of ambiance to the clay render

decided to texture the corridor section, so i can just import the sections as i need them without having to texture and unwrap each time i need a corridor section. i was planning to do a worn carpet floor but some how a reflective material appeared? lol i quite like it so i think i’ll keep it and just have the carpety stuff in the living section.
now its textured a bit more i notice there there is a harsh edge along the blue panel where i have missed out an extruded section on the pillar, so that will have to be re modeled the panelling in the frame needs doing, i don’t like that everything is shiny black, its only cool for floors. still havnt done the back panel as i’m going to model it to be a functioning rigged entrance.

Good job on the lights. You could do a little more texture work on the pipes, though, and it looks kinda low poly…but not bad!

thanks, the pipes look a lot better in my view port than they do when rendered not sure why that is, i’ll look into it :slight_smile:
i have retextured the service ducts in the crook of the A-frame, so they’re not that horrible gloss black material. more than likely i shall change the flooring as well once i find something i am happy with. i’m currenty trying to rig the doors. they work just from rotating on the pivot point but i want a simpler control so i dont have to keyframe each section individually.