
Here’s another spacecraft that I have been working on recently. Made in Blender except for one post processing filter.
Criticism welcome.


Overall impressive work.

Details on the ship and textures look good.

The only thing (for me) that messes it up for me is the atmosphere/glow part. I’d reduce that by a large factor. Right now it looks like it is just washed out image. or the ship is deep within the atmosphere of the planet.

Again, hope to see other angles and close-ups of it.

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This is the render without post processing. I thought that it looked too pristine and wanted to create a nice ‘atmosphere’ around the entire image. Perhaps I should use another filter or color.

This looks amazing! I actually really like the hazy atmosphere look.
Nice planet in the background as well, the only thing I noticed that I think could use improvement is that the surface of the planet looks very flat and not very detailed. Then again, the view is from far, so I’m not sure how much detail would be visible. Great work though :slight_smile:


Thank you Blujay. There’s always room for improvement, I will see what I can do about the flatness of the Martian surface :slight_smile:

Another thing that keeps bugging me is that the station may look too much like a scale model. I expermented with the lighting a lot but that didn’t help. I’m going to add more details to see if it makes a change.

spacecraft look nice but the mars atmosphere is too high and too thin(it should glow at least 2-3 times brighter) And also the stars are visible (it’s not realistic because of dynamic range of camera). make the stars invisible

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I like the feel of it

Now that the filter is gone, indeed i agree with bebradienis on the comment of atmosphere should be thinner, about 1/4 of its current size, and a tad more thicker

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Thanks for the feedback. I am going to do a render with less atmosphere, see how that works out.

As far as the stars concerned, yes I’m aware it’s not realistic because of camera exposure but I’ve had people complain about a lack of stars in other renders :smiley: …So, this time, I decided to factor a bit more eye candy vs realism.

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Going to try this out, thanks for the feedback!

I admire the attention to detail here, and I think both renders (atmospheric and original) are great in their own respects.

There are so many ways you can continue to take this, if you wish.

I prepared a Blender render nodes example for you which demonstrates how both renders could be used to contribute to yet another, depending on what you prefer:

The original render and atmospheric render can serve as Image inputs, which could then be combined and enhanced in any number of ways.

In this example, the atmospheric render is used to lighten the original one, and the combination of nodes after that serve to adjust various aspects of the atmospherics.

Four RGB nodes are displayed here (instead of one) to show how each C/R/G/B curve is tweaked in this example.

The Color Correction node serves a variety of purposes and can be used to tweak both the planet (via the Mids) as well as the amount of planet-cast reflected light on the bottom of the ship (Shadows).

That said, I believe your renders are beautiful as they are, and I just wanted to share some ideas with you here and hope you find them useful, either now or for a later project =)

Best wishes and continued successes on all your Blender projects!


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Thanks a lot for your generosity!
I wasn’t even aware of the existence of some of these nodes, or the method at all. I’m going to do some experimenting with this!
