
A quick Image I threw together based on a sketch by Marisa Lewis. Let me know what you guys think.


There are a lot of fireflies so render with more samples or do some final post processing to eliminate them

Ya, I need to rerender, my computer is really slow so rendering above a thousand takes forever (this is all on CPU 1000 samples, a very old CPU)

Knee issues and fireflies (probably “clamp indirect” can help) apart, i think you captured well the astronaut situation :slight_smile:

Yeah, I couldn’t find a good solution for the knees deformation, any tips anyone?
I’m glad you like it, the new version looks a lot better noise wise (Still rendering)

man if your render has fireflies then my render has dragons i need to rerender all of my projects

Here’s a Re-render at 4000 samples. I should probably go in and manually blur some areas to eradicate all fireflies but I don’t have any more time to spend on this project.


Looks great! I really like the look of this project :slight_smile:
Good work!

I love how solid and blocky everything looks, but also really clear and easy to see. Excellent work!

woohhaaa love this…

I know this is really late, but Thanks a Ton everyone! It’s really great to see peoples reaction to my work. :slight_smile:

Good job! :yes:

I thin it’s great, love the alien goo and the pose as the character reacts to it!