Spaceship in need of help

Now what?

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I dunno…you tell me. What are you trying to do?

Change the texture, a tan ship can’t be in a tan desert, it may look realistic, but it sure doesn’t look good, additionally, make the environment around interesting, not rock dotted sand, add something more, or make it totally uninteresting (remove the rocks)
just an idea.


changed the topic to focused critiques, because it doesn’t sound finished to me.

It can look good with good lighting and image composition. Photographers managed to make good photos in black and white for many decades before they could have color.

But, I see a potentially interesting color scheme in your image. What if you kept the current colors, but gave the ship’s lights a slight color (maybe blue, as it would contrast well with the rest of the scene)? It would create an interesting effect that attracts the eye.

An environment of rocks and sand can be interesting with the right presentation. Right now, everything is lit very evenly. The ground and sky both look flat.

  • What if you added a gradient to the sky? In real life, the sky is brighter near the horizon.

  • Try different sun light angles so the ship has interesting shadows, zones of light and dark. The lighting should reaveal the shape of the ship, not flatten it.

  • What if the environment was overall a bit darker and the ship’s lights created a brighter zone in the foreground? in that scenario, there could also be additional lights on the sides or wings of the ship to increase the effect.

  • If the flatness of the ground is bothering you, you could try having larger rocks around the ship, like it landed in a small valley between larger boulders.

    Or you could have the ship on top of rock formation, with a cliff dropping off to the side of the image.

  • Why is the ship on this planet? Maybe the pilot placed some equipment on the ground around it? A bit of story could help the image.

You have a very good point, but my point with tan on tan was trying to say that there should be some contrast in the colors of the image, it was as if black and white photographers took photos of just a slightly different shade of gray as contrast, but you make a good point.

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Close the hatch and repair the warp drive. I give you 4 hours.