Spark Up Delight

The best ideas come having a shower.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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nice concept, but I had to look twice to see the light bulb. In my opinion it would be better if the mirror had no light and the light bulb would shine more. Heureka!

You got me thinking. I am always up for improving my work. I played around with the scene and got to this point. I think this alternative might read easier. Mainly because light direction is less top heavy.

The bulb itself remains very transparent and therefore tricky to light, unless you lower the overall brightness of the room, especially behind the bulb. However, I added highlights for more detail on the glass and stronger atmosphere to lower the contrast of the room and to support the light from the bulb.

the readability of the bulb is better, I like it.
That’s a difficult theme you got going on, that’s a realistic bathroom and a realistic light bulb but with human elements with towels but in a non realistic behavior (the bulb is flying). So you got a style mix which is not always pleasant to look at I guess. Also you want to give the viewer this feeling of shower thoughts and this great moment of “a light comes to mind”. Maybe you could change the perspective or play more with your character, you could give it a face / arms / legs.