
i following the tut for physic

intro to physic simulation in blender

and trying to do the Sparkle but cannot get the color on viewport
or render

can someone hlep with this


I hope you mean different colors on Particle System?
All the best!


PS_diff_colors.blend (392 KB)

There are some details ,which must no know!
Select the object and create a few vertex-groups.
F9 >Edit Mode >Link and Materials panel>add new group by pressing New (with proper name) >back to the 3D view and select Vertex Group which you want >Link and Materials panel press Assign
Assuming you have created red ,green and blue Vertex Groups,link materials for each of them.OK?! Nice !In Object Mode you’ll see the result - colored object!It will be Emitter for Particle System.Still object selected.
F7 ParticleButtons > Particle System panel > Add New > add proper settings to Particle System at the Physics panel > Extras panel press right popup 2 (Screenshot-2.png) to browse available vertex groups and choice one of them
Alt+A will show what you done:D.
back to the Particle System panel> click on right arrow (Screenshot.png) and press Add New again (it’s important ,because adds new data block and allows link to it new settings) and set what you like .
So…at the Visualization panel 1 (Screenshot-2.png) browse to proper material for particles ,which you have choiced in Extras panel 2 (Screenshot-2.png)
All the best!


the tut i used was very old done before 2.45 i think

and they are still using the Variable VEC

was this variable replaced by something else ?
or what do i do to get an equivalent of this vec variable ?

if i understand correctly you cannot see the color added in viewport you must do it
in the render only or preview panel!

not certain i can use the same values cause the new particles system has changed so much!

Thanks for you help

At the Visualization panel press Col button (next to the Material:1(2,3…) specifycation )for each of Particle data block.That allows to see color in 3D View!:smiley:
All the best!

ok that’s beginning to give some good results so i need to play more about this

now i was looking at the next example if book and it’s for producing water droplets with metaball and particules system
but again that one is not working at all

i tried it and nothing so far like it is shown in the tut

i can see after Alt-a the particules go up but
no water droplets !

anyone has an idea how to do it ?

i know that it woujld be better to use the fluid simulation
but that will be for later cause this requires long rendering time


So…what about VEC?!
Since ver 2.45 Variable VEC “gives the particles a direction and rotation”.
From the Visualization panel press popup and choice Axis. It’s not important ,but allows to see what happen in 3D View.
Go to Physics panel under Rotation and feel free to play with all options(something like Screenshot.png). :slight_smile:
Hope this will help!


Thank you radopenev, for these very clear explanations to RickyBlender!
It pops very helpfull and usefull hints to my nascent Blender understanding!
Have to keep a direct link to this thread for further needs!..

do you have this old manual on physics?

i was now focussing on the second example for making water droplets

see pic

it seems so easy in this tut
but cannot repeat the example to get nice looking water droplets

any help appreciated to give more dtails on how to do it or may be a smple file


The new Particle System is more powerful and flexible.It allows to link object to particles
and result can to manipulate for good looking!just choice Object from popup (at the Visualization panel,where Axis have been added before ,in previos post )
and OB:Object_name :smiley: …like drop in attachment
With proper settings you’ll be simulate what you like!:eyebrowlift2:
All the best!

Thank you radopenev, for these very clear explanations to RickyBlender!
It pops very helpfull and usefull hints to my nascent Blender understanding!
Have to keep a direct link to this thread for further needs!..


IntoDust.blend (770 KB)

thans a lot for the sample file

i’m going to test more with this an experiment

very intersting subject

the object name was note indicated in the tut on physics

don’t know - may be too old tutorial?


that is a one cool blend file :slight_smile:

Stand with Shay Tessler: great file very rich direct teaching!
Thanks a lot (again).

wold it be possible to write a little tut to give how to
get this thing working

i guess your using some sort of a force field here with some Animation with IPO curves !

very interesting


i redid a model for water dreoplets

and it’s beginnign to work

i did set up some mirro and tramps in F5 for the balls

but i don’t get the transp and mirror like in the tut’s pic

also in the veiwport i can see horizontal bars across each of the ball

what could be causing theses bars?

see pic


Metas are very good choice for something like previous examples…but note,that means more calculations.It’s because every meta takes its property to influence on and with another metas!Yes, time-consuming and needs good system!But is gooooooooooodlooking!
I like metas!Exactly this influence allows to simulate bubbles or drops …and with Negative function (select Meta>Edit Mode>MetaBall tools panel >press Negative button) you can make fossette(or foveola ?! I don’t know what is the right word).
Meta + Particles ,o-o-o-o…nice!!!
In Edit Mode add some metas(don’t leave mode, reason is the object will be one!) and create what you like (Screenshot1.png)…You can to influence on particles with forces!
like Wind in IntoDust.blend!
add Epmty>still Empty selected F7>Physics buttons>Fields panel>from popup choice Wind and set proper values (something like Screenshot4.png)
Make some key-frames for Epmty and will see what happen with particles!Funy!?

I like Curve Guide too !It allows to point direction and trace the particle movement!
add Bezier Curve(very important curve must to be in the same layer like ParticleSystem) > W-key Subdivide >Curve and Surfase panel press 3D button(allows to manipulate in 3d environment)Screenshot2.png
F7 Physics buttons > Fields panel>from popup choice Curve Guide (Screenshot3.png)
Feel free to edit curve (Curve Guide) ,Edit Mode and so… ,it will be trace for particles!
Alt+A or Bake and be patient!
Hope this will help!
All the best!

p.s.So…RickyBlender,about horizonrtal bars,that’s a part of meta-visualization in 3D View,don’t worry!


CurveGuide.blend (177 KB)

yup theses metaball are fun to play with
very strange behavior but funny to look at - perfect for fuilds

now what about the color i mean you can change color anytime you want here
there is no baking per say !
you could probably set some texture too i guess

now for rendering is it possible to use Yafaray ?
