have some trouble to get the brackets from the “point_to_spawn” vector away.
the given vector looks like this:
[] <— this is what I want to remove without to convert to string
spawn script to spawn at specific vertex points by the_cannibal
from bge import logic
import random
def random_pick(list, number):
choice = random.sample(list, number)
return choice
def get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj):
position_list = []
mesh = spawn_point_obj.meshes[0]
got_last_v = (mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0) -1)
for v in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0)):
if v != got_last_v:
vert = mesh.getVertex(0, v)
vert_position = vert.getXYZ()
spawn_point = random_pick(position_list, 1)
return spawn_point
def spawn(cont):
scene = logic.getCurrentScene()
scobj = scene.objects
to_spawnobj = scobj["HoverCar_Basic:Chrome"]
spawn_point_obj = scobj["Spawn_Points_Player"]
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj)
#to_spawnobj.position = point_to_spawn
Or maybe you need random.choice() not random.sample()
have solved it with an iterator:
for o in point_to_spawn:
but if I want to use it to add objects how can I add an object at an vector and not add an object?
that is the problem now: to add Object at Vertex position!
spawn script to spawn at random vertex points by the_cannibal
from bge import logic
import random
def item_timer(start, stop, step):
t = start
if t < stop:
t += step
return False
return True
def random_pick(list, number):
choice = random.sample(list, number)
return choice
def get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks):
position_list = []
mesh = spawn_point_obj.meshes[0]
got_last_v = (mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0) -1)
for v in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0)):
if v != got_last_v:
vert = mesh.getVertex(0, v)
vert_position = vert.getXYZ()
spawn_point = random_pick(position_list, choicepicks)
return spawn_point
def spawn(cont):
scene = logic.getCurrentScene()
scobj = scene.objects
death_collide = cont.sensors["Death_Collision"]
to_respawnobj = scobj["HoverCar_Basic:Chrome"]
spawn_point_obj = scobj["Spawn_Points_Player"]
spwan_points_items = scobj["Spawn_Points_Items"]
item_obj = scene.objectsInactive["Cube"]
timer = True
#timer_start = 0
#timer_stop = 10
#timer_step = 1
#trigger_spawn_items = item_timer(timer_start, timer_stop, timer_step)
#if trigger_spawn_items == True:
if timer == True:
choicepicks = 4
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks)
for o in point_to_spawn:
#scene.addObject[item_obj, o]
if death_collide.positive:
choicepicks = 1
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks)
death_obj = death_collide.hitObject
death_obj.position = point_to_spawn[0]
@smoking_mirror Point_to_spawn[0]? <---- it can be so easy (so silly from me)
is the addObject modul calling position from object based on name and is it enough to get an dict looks like this [“name”, Vertex-Position] or should I have to recalculate the vertex to anything? I mean the standard process is:
…addObject[“object_to_add”, “position_from_other_object_to_spawn”, lifetime]
is there a way to simulate “position_objects” ?
ok solved it with this:
item_placer = scobj["item_placer"]
for o in point_to_spawn:
item_placer.position = o
scene.addObject(item_obj, "item_placer", 500)
to get an object at places the items should spawn.
October 26, 2016, 2:05pm
Another way to do it would be using the camera, wich you can acces with bge.logic.getCurrentScene().active_camera, as the placeholder, and then moving the object to it’s true location on the same frame. Like
for o in point_to_spawn:
obj = scene.addObject(item_obj, scene.active_camera, 500)
obj.worldPosition = o
Of course you may also need to tweak orientation and size. The advantage of this is that you don’t need to create an extra object as the placeholder and that you will never have problems with finding the placeholder (since an active camera must always exist and is accesible from everywhere even without knowing its name).
October 26, 2016, 8:50pm
quick tip, you can use None and it is faster than looking up scene.active_camera inside the loop
scene.addObject(item_obj, None, 500)
sorry guys but if I use “scene.active_camera” or None state only one object will spawn!
here is the complete code:
spawn: script to spawn at random vertex points by the_cannibal
from bge import logic
import random
def item_timer(obj, start, stop, step):
if not "timer" in obj:
obj["timer"] = start
if obj["timer"] < stop:
obj["timer"] += step
return False
obj["timer"] = start
return True
def random_pick(list, number):
choice = random.sample(list, number)
return choice
def get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks):
position_list = []
mesh = spawn_point_obj.meshes[0]
got_last_v = (mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0) -1)
for v in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0)):
if v != got_last_v:
vert = mesh.getVertex(0, v)
vert_position = vert.getXYZ()
spawn_point = random_pick(position_list, choicepicks)
return spawn_point
def spawn(cont):
scene = logic.getCurrentScene()
scobj = scene.objects
death_collide = cont.sensors["Death_Collision"]
spawn_point_obj = scobj["Spawn_Points_Player"]
spwan_points_items = scobj["Spawn_Points_Items"]
item_placer = scobj["item_placer"]
item_obj = scene.objectsInactive["Cube"]
timer_start = 0
timer_stop = 300
timer_step = 1
timer = item_timer(spwan_points_items, timer_start, timer_stop, timer_step)
if timer == True:
choicepicks = 8
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spwan_points_items, choicepicks)
for p in point_to_spawn:
item_placer.position = p
scene.addObject(item_obj, "item_placer", 600)
if death_collide.positive:
choicepicks = 1
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks)
death_obj = death_collide.hitObject
death_obj.position = point_to_spawn[0]
death_obj.orientation = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
it is working extreme well:cool:
it isn’t finished yet but for tests it is a good start
October 28, 2016, 10:55pm
elmeunick9 script shows you can directly assign the position to all instances without keeping a placeholder, you can do something like this
scADD = scene.addObject #localize for immature optimization
for p in point_to_spawn:
scADD(item_obj, None, 600).worldPosition = p
ah, have update the script thanks.
spawn: script to spawn at random vertex points by the_cannibal
from bge import logic
import random
def item_timer(obj, start, stop, step):
if not "timer" in obj:
obj["timer"] = start
if obj["timer"] < stop:
obj["timer"] += step
return False
obj["timer"] = start
return True
def random_pick(list, number):
choice = random.sample(list, number)
return choice
def get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks):
position_list = []
mesh = spawn_point_obj.meshes[0]
got_last_v = (mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0) -1)
for v in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(0)):
if v != got_last_v:
vert = mesh.getVertex(0, v)
vert_position = vert.getXYZ()
spawn_point = random_pick(position_list, choicepicks)
return spawn_point
def spawn(cont):
scene = logic.getCurrentScene()
scobj = scene.objects
addObj = scene.addObject
death_collide = cont.sensors["Death_Collision"]
spawn_point_obj = scobj["Spawn_Points_Player"]
spwan_points_items = scobj["Spawn_Points_Items"]
item_obj_list = ['item_speedup', 'item_fire', 'item_slowdown', 'item_bomb', 'item_rage', 'item_thunder', 'item_trap', 'item_repear', 'item_imun']
timer_start = 0
timer_stop = 300
timer_step = 1
timer = item_timer(spwan_points_items, timer_start, timer_stop, timer_step)
if death_collide.positive:
choicepicks = 1
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spawn_point_obj, choicepicks)
death_obj = death_collide.hitObject
death_obj.position = point_to_spawn[0]
death_obj.orientation = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]
death_obj.linearVelocity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# think about settings to disable items!!! ,you more confused
if timer == True:
choicepicks = 8
point_to_spawn = get_spawn_point(spwan_points_items, choicepicks)
for p in point_to_spawn:
choicepicks = 1
item_choice = random_pick(item_obj_list, choicepicks)
addObj(item_choice[0], None, 600).position = p