Speaker revisit

These speakers were one of the very first mostly finished accomplishments when I first started using blender not that long ago.

I initially had them on the typical white floor studio setup. Today I decided to switch it up a bit from the typical product shot. Mission accomplished.

I thought about adding water droplets on the speakers, but then I’d feel bad that they wouldn’t work anymore :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize I was patterning the wet ground idea after Max Hay, but got up to speed real quick after watching a vid on youtube. That was not a fast task at all. At least as close as I am to the ground.

I knew I wanted to have different color lights on either side of the speakers similar to my Onkyo render. Then I was like, hm, rain, water, hey, how about lightning. Then I found a picture that was already the colors I wanted so that was a great find.

About the scene:
One massive rectangle area light with a gradient from blue to purple to fake the light from the lightning.

One cloudy HDRI which you can see in the center of the speaker. In the beginning I had a standard kitchen or garage HDRI or something and it was very out of place and did not fit the scene.

Lightning image with a fade to transparent before it hits the ground and slight emission.

Render took 6 minutes.

I ramble. Enjoy!

Wet asphalt


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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