if i have an image color or grey for a texture
then how can i create a spec map for it in blender if possible
don’t mean how to apply it i know that part
but how to make the spec map from image
happy 2.6
if i have an image color or grey for a texture
then how can i create a spec map for it in blender if possible
don’t mean how to apply it i know that part
but how to make the spec map from image
happy 2.6
what do you mean? creating a spec/map for cycles?
no not even for cycle just blender
see this tut
happy 2.6
i got an example i did with 3 textures
color map Jpeg
spec map greysih map Jpeg
transparent map JPEG
for the last map i set the alpha = 1 but still see the background plane even with the ztramps and alpha mat = 0
can this be done with image JPEG or need image with PNG and alpha ?
which other parameter should i change to get background transparent
also for this last map how can it be used as a mask to add another let say Dirt layer after?
thanks for any help
well i did find 2 tut in 2.49 examples with a spec map
so i did these in 2.49 after a while trying with 2.6 and not workling!
then i tried to happen into 2.6 from the 2.49 and it did not work as in 2.49 !
so i began checking all the vars and there was this RGB intesnity which was not set in 2.6
then there was the color which was not the same and this had to do with color management in 2.6
so there are differences and bug i guess when you do it as in 2.49 in 2.6!
now that i see how it works in 2.6 and see the differences between 2.49 and 2.6
and i understand why !
happy 2.6
ah ok. creating specularmaps for blender. a small tutorial in the wrong thread (whatever :P)
You can do it with GIMP or Photoshop, i don’t know what you use. Here an example. i just grabbed a texture from cgtextures.com. bumpmapping you can quick and easy do with desaturation, for sharper edges tweak it more with contrast. Additional you can add or overlay a grey50 layer to level your the surface. sometimes the original picture has too much dirtyness (b/w difference) what can give a wobbilly effect. and you don’t want that.
Spec maps you can easy do with levels. goal is to make black things black and white things white. bring them together with leveling. for harder reflective materials like glass or metals you can use the thershold option (less smooth)…
can you show set up for desaturation node!
not certain but in tut you need basically 2 pics
on color map
one greyhish map set as spec and rgb to intensity
and may be an extra black and white as a mask to add more texture layers for special effects
and it did not use nodes in this tut just normal texture layers UV
in cycles can you show nodes set up this might be usefull in futur
the bump, specmaps etc are not made for use in cycles but for the Internal render engine. with cycles i just use the image only.
the desaturate is a mix-color option :
… switch the color input for the roughness of the glossy node and color can be used for moss growing on the wall/door …