I thought that VISUAL EFFECTS wes anything that happened in editing like CGI and compositing (or in the camera it’s self if you look at very early visual effects - a lot of early compositing was done with multiple exposures in camera)
and PRACTICAL EFFECTS was stuff done on the set or location - like fake blood, animatronics and puppetry, actual explosions, etc.
special effects relates to what happening on set whether its an optical effect (stop motion, in camera fading, other weird camera stuff) or mechanical effect, (explosions, animatronics, wind, rain, things that move.) so yes stop motion animations, the old sinbad/ jason and the argonaughts type movies, would be special effects,
visual effects are what happens in post, whether its cgi or a matte painting or compositing. so you could claim that the two example movies are visual effects.
basically it doesnt need to be cgi to be a visual effect, cgi is just a single category of visual effects