Specific jet engine flame

Hi , Would like to submit a small problem I run into.
Trying to simulate flames from a jet engine as per this reference :

Did something very simple with two tubes modeled roughly to the shape of the flames, on inside the other , like so :

These two tubes each have custom emission shaders like so :

each have his own, just different by the colour of the flame , one bluer than the other…
Now , it looks how I like it enough when I render it :

problem is as soon as I use a view with the flames being in line one in front of each others, the inner faces of the flame tubes appears as solid :confused:

This happens too if I just use one tube to make a flame…

There is a nice solution by member moony on this thread:

using a Spherical Gradient Texture on a plain tube. But it’s not exactly what I want, cause it doesn’t make flame tube (which is specific to the engine I’m trying to represent) , but more stretched sphere with several layer of lights…

Anyone know how I could solve that ? Could a render setting do it ? or just another completely different way of doing these flames ?

Try using a mix between emission and transparency instead. I’m not sure if I understand your shader tree but it could be that you emit black and not transparent in the far edge of the flame.

You are using overlapping geometry. That is not ideal when working with volumes.
It is better to always use a texture to determine density.
Not necessarily a procedural one, You can use a point density one.
Modeling a hole in a volume rarely gives a good result.

But here, maybe, simply increasing Transparency bounces may solve the problem.

Indeed , just increasing the Max transparency Light Path to 25 did the trick :slight_smile:
No solid flames now:

Thanks a lot !